EndNote: "Retractions are identified by DOI or PubMed ID.".
Which EndNote fields are used for identifying the PMID?
Should DedupEndNote add the PMID in the enriched output?
Difference between:
original publication
retracted publication: not always visible in the title, Cochrane's WITHDRAWN reviews had "WITHDRAWN" as first title word in PubMed (or also in the Cochrane Library?). PubMed uses a publication type: DedupEndNote does not use publication types
When deduplicating one file, a retracted publication:
is merged with other original and retracted publications
AND the record kept is the retracted publication
When deduplicating two files, a retracted publication in the file with new records:
is NOT merged with a original publication in the file with old records
is merged with a retracted original publication in the file with old records
is merged with other original and retracted publications in the file with new records AND is the record kept (as in deduplicating one file)
With the data available, this is NOT possible for DedupEndNote.
Identifying retracted publications and retraction notes is difficult
each bibliographic database has its own rules, possibly changing in time. DedupEndNote has no database specific rules
the identifying feature may be skipped by DedupEndNote: PubMed uses the Publication Type field for identification of retracted publications and retraction notes
Relating a retraction note to a retracted publication is difficult
PubMed has a ROF field with the PMID of the retracted publication. Field ROF in use since ...?
In principle the EndNote user should start from the retraction note to handle the original publication in the EndNote database. But there is a big chance that the query used in the bibliographic database will not retrieve the retraction notes (insufficient data: no abstract, keywords / MeSH terms, even the title can be no more than "Retraction").
Check EndNote 20 feature Retraction Alerts, https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-20-Retraction-Alerts?language=en_US
EndNote: "Retractions are identified by DOI or PubMed ID.".
Difference between:
Ideal procedure
When deduplicating one file, a retracted publication:
When deduplicating two files, a retracted publication in the file with new records:
With the data available, this is NOT possible for DedupEndNote.