globetown / FAC-week9

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Schedule #4

Open nikhilaravi opened 8 years ago

nikhilaravi commented 8 years ago

I think the schedule is a bit ambitious and maybe we should give them some more time to grasp basic react principles...!


James' workshop was great but if all the subsequent react projects are going to use webpack then it doesn't really make sense to introduce them to browserify, reactify, watchify etc etc. It might be better to first explain

Then go through how to set up a basic project and the folder structure they would need and then finally build a few basic React components. Getting them to clone Jack's react-webpack setup repo would be much faster but I think its really important they understand how to do it themselves!


Love the idea of getting them to make video tutorials!! :video_camera: If there are 4 groups maybe leave out animations and have something ilke:

Wow building amazon sounds really fun but I think it might be a bit overwhelming and adding in authentication etc kind of detracts from the focus on learning React and if they have to start worrying about managing state it might get a bit confusing for the first week.

Maybe simplify it to building a shopping cart.. So they have to be able to:

besarthoxhaj commented 8 years ago

@nikhilaravi thanks for your feedback.


James tutorial as you mentioned uses browserify. Seems we are not using it anymore so makes sense to go with webpack.

10:00 - 10:30 Introducing React

10:30 - 13:00 Heads down on some code

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 - 18:00 Set up webpack


10:00 - 10:30 Explain what we left behind

Dig into state and props in order to answer the following questions:

Dig into the Component Lifecycle in order to answer the following questions:

Dig into Virtual DOM in order to answer the following questions:

Dig into testing in order to answer the following questions:


Building Amazon. We were discussing this yesterday and we agree can be a bit overwhelming. However the student will have until Thursday 24, which means almost two weeks. It's worth mentioning that most of the project coming into the space require some sort of authentication, content creation by the user and payments. I expect people to fail by taking the wrong path, file structure, database schemas, wrong tests etc. All stuff you want to do wrong when you are in class instead on a real project.

Learning objectives

besarthoxhaj commented 8 years ago

I think the workshop will be only on Monday as Tuesday the groups will work autonomously on the research topics.

Should we schedule our talks on something like this:

Monday morning we can be all there @nikhilaravi @izaakrogan @jrans helping people and explaining the basics.

Monday afternoon @jrans can introduce webpack and then all together can continue building a sort of TODO app with some AJAX call.

nikhilaravi commented 8 years ago

@besarthoxhaj okay sure I can be at FAC on Monday!

jrans commented 8 years ago

@nikhilaravi @besarthoxhaj agreed that you either need to choose browserify or webpack from the off and stick with it. My preference is webpack but harmless either way!

jrans commented 8 years ago

@nikhilaravi @besarthoxhaj @izaakrogan I'm not here tomorrow. Will have to speak with Ines but hopefully be able to put in some time at some stages during the week.

jrans commented 8 years ago this may be of some use. Week 8 project of last course. I think amazon may be a big ask. I think a stronger focus on the react philosophy and making sure they really understand by the end of two weeks should be the main goal.

jrans commented 8 years ago

The repo @nikhilaravi was mentioning Though I think it should be gone through step by step with a real understanding of what's going on and without hot loading to begin with!