globsky / greta-oto

An open source GNSS receiver
49 stars 29 forks source link

部分代码错误 #6

Closed zhangyp1618 closed 3 years ago

zhangyp1618 commented 3 years ago

ae_prn_gen.v:369行, default: {insert_index_l1c, weil_index_l1c} = 28'h0; amp_compare.v:index为output; multiply_4x4.v: value_o为output; 另外,请问怎么才能把fpga+mcu跑起来,在哪个平台呢。感谢分享。

globsky commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reminding. Will be corrected in next release. The hardware platform is not ready yet due to following reason: RF front-end, SoC platform and RTOS not yet decided. I know that ZYNQ+MAX2769/2771+FreeRTOS/RTThread will work. But at current stage I will first focus on coding especially firmware.

globsky commented 3 years ago
