globus / globus-connect-server

Globus Connect Server
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error: get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'raw' #8

Closed halexand closed 7 years ago

halexand commented 8 years ago

When I try to run globus-connect-server-setup on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu machine I get the following error: get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'raw'. I thought it might be a problem with the python version used-- but it doesn't seem to work regardless of 2.7 or 3.5 and with multiple different installs.

bester commented 8 years ago

Which ubuntu release is this seen on?

halexand commented 8 years ago

Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

bester commented 8 years ago

Can you send your globus-connect-server.conf file and/or output from globus-connect-server-setup -v (removing keys/passwords/etc)

halexand commented 8 years ago

I have tried modifying the file-- but am probably missing something:

;                          Globus User Configuration
; These settings configure how to contact Globus when 
; creating or modifying an endpoint.

; Globus user name. If not set, or left at its default, then the
; value of GLOBUS_USER environment variable is used, falling back to
; prompting if it is not present.
User = %(GLOBUS_USER)s 

; Globus login password. If not set, or left at its default, then the
; value of the GLOBUS_PASSWORD environment variable is used, falling back
; to prompting if it is not present.
Password = %(GLOBUS_PASSWORD)s

;                        Globus Endpoint Configuration                       ;
; Set these if you want to add or modify the core attributes of the endpoint.

; Name of the endpoint. Can be either user#name or name, but if the former,
; the user must match [Globus] User above
; The special value %(SHORT_HOSTNAME)s will substitute the non-qualified
; portion of an ec2 instance's public hostname, falling back to the
; non-qualified hostname portion of the machine's nodename
Name = aws1

; True or False, determining if the endpoint will be public or private.
; If not specified, this will default to False (non-public).
Public = True

; Default directory when users login to this endpoint (optional).
; If not specified, this will default to /~/.
DefaultDirectory = /mnt/

;                           Security Configuration                           ;
; These are the default service security settings, for services which will be
; accessed from Globus (GridFTP and MyProxy). 
; There can be an override in the GridFTP or MyProxy sections below. 

; If this is true, then use the to generate
; a random service credential so that Globus can access this service. 
; Otherwise, Globus Connect Server will assume the Certificate and Key have
; been generated by some other method.
; Note that FetchCredentialFromRelay will only work if the key and certificate
FetchCredentialFromRelay = True

; Path to the certificate.
; If FetchCredentialsFromRelay is True, and the fetch conditions are met,
; this CertificateFile value will be overwritten. 
; If not specified, this will default to 
; /var/lib/globus-connect-server/grid-security/hostcert.pem
;; CertificateFile = 

; Path to the private key. 
; If FetchCredentialsFromRelay is True, and the fetch conditions are met,
; this KeyFile value will be overwritten. 
; If not specified, this will default to 
; /var/lib/globus-connect-server/grid-security/hostkey.pem
;; KeyFile = 

; Path to where the trusted certificate directory. The
; Globus Relay CA will be installed there, as well as the MyProxy
; trust roots and CA if the MyProxy server is running elsewhere. 
; If not specified, this will default to
; /var/lib/globus-connect-server/grid-security/certificates/
;; TrustedCertificateDirectory = 

; Type of identity provider for the Globus service to use. This may
; be one of the following values:
;     MyProxy
;         Use the MyProxy server defined in the [MyProxy] section of this
;         configuration file
;     OAuth
;         Use the OAuth server defined in the [OAuth] section of this
;         configuration file
;     CILogon
;         Use the CILogon OAuth server
IdentityMethod = MyProxy

; Authorization method for mapping the grid credential to a local username,
; by default, this is inferred from the IdentityMethod above. If using MyProxy,
; the MyProxyGridmapCallout is used; if using CILogon, the CILogon method
; is used. If the CILogon provides certificates that don't match local policy,
; you might need to use Gridmap to explicitly map the credentials to local
; accounts
; The possible values of the option are MyProxyGridmapCallout, CILogon, or
; Gridmap
;; AuthorizationMethod = 

; Path to a grid-mapfile to use with the Gridmap authorization method. The 
; default is shown below
;; Gridmap = /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile

; The name of the identity provider (see for a list
; of valid names)
;; CILogonIdentityProvider = University of Chicago

;                            GridFTP Configuration                           ;
; This section configures a GridFTP server. It can be processed on the
; GridFTP server host to generate a GridFTP configuration file, and on
; that or any other host to add a GridFTP server to an endpoint

; The host name (and optional port) to contact this GridFTP Server, in the form
; host[:port]. If not set, no gridftp server will be configured. The default
; pulls the server name from EC2 metadata if present, falling back to the local hostname and uses the default port 2811.
Server = %(HOSTNAME)s

; If this is set to True, then assume the Server name is the current machine
; and configure a GridFTP server on this machine, even if it the Server doesn't
; match the current hostname. Also, if ServerBehindNAT is set to True, the
; DataInterface will be set to the Server string automatically.
; If False, globus-connect-server-setup  will only configure the gridftp
; server if the Server above matches the local machine's hostname. The default
; is False.
;;ServerBehindNAT = True

; Port range to use for incoming connections.  The format is
; "startport,endport". If not set, this will default to 50000,51000
;; IncomingPortRange = 50000,51000

; Port range to use for outgoing connections.  The format is
; "startport,endport".  Only use this if your firewall restricts outgoing
; ports and gridftp won't work otherwise. The default is not restrict outgoing
; TCP ports
;; OutgoingPortRange = 50000,51000

; Hostname or IP address of the interface to use for data connections. If not
; set in this file, then the default behavior is:
; - When run on an EC2 instance, the data interface will be automatically
;   configured to use the public ipv4 address of the instance.
; - When run on a non-EC2 instance, if ServerBehindNAT is True, then
;   the hostname of the Server string is used. If this resolves to a private
;   IP adddress, a warning will be issued.
; - Otherwise, this will not be set, and the gridftp server will tell clients
;   to connect to the IP address that the control connection was established
;   on.
;; DataInterface =

; Restricted path configuration.
; A comma separated list of full paths that clients may access.  Each path may
; be prefixed by R and/or W, denoting read or write access, or N to explicitly
; deny access to a path.  If a given path is a directory, all contents and
; subdirectories will be given the same access.  Order of paths does not matter
; -- the permissions on the longest matching path will apply.  The special
; character '~' will be replaced by the authenticated user's home directory,
; and * may be used for simple wildcard matching.
; By default all paths are allowed, and access control is handled by the OS.
; Examples:
; Allow read access to /data and full access to the user's home directory:
; RestrictPaths = RW~,R/data
; Allow full access to the home directory, but deny hidden files there:
; RestrictPaths = RW~,N~/.*
RestrictPaths =

; Require an encrypted data connection for all transfers. Transfers attempted
; without encryption will result in error.
;; RequireEncryption = False

; Enable sharing with Globus for this server.
; If not specified, this will default to False.
; NOTE: In order to use sharing, the endpoint will need to be a 
; managed endpoint associated with a Globus subscription uuid. Additional
; configuration must be done using the endpoint-manage globus cli command.
;; Sharing = True

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

; Using the same syntax as RestrictPaths above, this defines additional 
; restrictions which paths that sharing clients may access.
;; SharingRestrictPaths = 

; Path of a directory where GridFTP will store files used to control
; sharing access to individual accounts.  The variables $USER and $HOME 
; should be used in order to define a unique path per user. 
; If not specified, this will default to "$HOME/.globus/sharing". 
; For instance, with SharingStateDir = "/var/globusonline/sharing/$USER",
; user "bob" would be enabled for sharing only if a path exists with the 
; name "/var/globusonline/sharing/bob/" and is writable by bob.
;;SharingStateDir =

; Allow or Deny sharing for specific users or groups.
; Each option takes a comma separated list of user or group names.
; Users named in SharingUsersDeny and members of groups named in 
; SharingGroupsDeny will be denied sharing features.
; If SharingUsersAllow or SharingGroupsAllow is set, only those users
; or group members may share, and all other users will be denied. 
; Any user for which sharing is denied will not be allowed to create shares,  
; and existing shares owned by that user will not be accessible. 
; By default these options are not set, and all users are allowed to share.

;; SharingUsersAllow = 
;; SharingGroupsAllow = 
;; SharingUsersDeny = 
;; SharingGroupsDeny =

;                            MyProxy Configuration                           ;
; This section configures a MyProxy server. It can be processed on the
; MyProxy server host to generate myproxy-server configuration files and
; a MyProxy CA, or can be used on a GridFTP server host to determine how
; to fetch trust roots, or to associate the MyProxy server with a
; Globus endpoint

; The contact URI of the MyProxy server. The format is  host[:port], with
; a default port of 7512 if not present
; If not set, then no myproxy server will be configured. The special value
; %(HOSTNAME)s will substitute an ec2 instance's public hostname, falling back
; to the machine's nodename
Server = %(HOSTNAME)s

; If this is set to True, then assume the Server name is the current machine
; and configure a MyProxy server on this machine, even if it the Server doesn't
; match the current hostname. 
; If False, globus-connect-server-setup  will only configure the MyProxy
; server if the Server above matches the local machine's hostname. The default
; is False.
;;ServerBehindNAT = True

; Directory in which to place the MyProxy CA files, 
; including the cacert and key, and the set of signed certificates. 
; If not present, the default is /var/lib/globus-connect-server/myproxy-ca
;; CADirectory = /var/lib/globus-connect-server/myproxy-ca

; Path to store the myproxy service configuration file. 
; If not specified, the default is
; /var/lib/globus-connect-server/myproxy-server.conf
;; ConfigFile = /var/lib/globus-connect-server/myproxy-server.conf

; The public host name of the MyProxy OAuth server. 
; If not set, then no MyProxy Oauth server will be configured. The special value
; %(HOSTNAME)s will substitute an ec2 instance's public hostname, falling back
; to the machine's nodename
;; Server = %(HOSTNAME)s

; If this is set to True, then assume the Server name is the current machine
; and configure a OAuth server on this machine, even if it the Server doesn't
; match the current hostname. 
; If False, globus-connect-server-setup  will only configure the OAuth
; server if the Server above matches the local machine's hostname. The default
; is False.
;;ServerBehindNAT = True

; A cascading stylesheet file to use with OAuth server web pages. The
; stylesheet will be used to style the MyProxy OAuth web interface. If not set,
; then the default Globus-look web style will be used.
;; Stylesheet = 
; An image file to use as the logo of the MyProxy OAuth server. If not set,
; the Globus logo image is used.
;; Logo = 

; vim: filetype=dosini : nospell :
bester commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate this error with this configuration file on that OS with the latest globus-connect-server packages.

goalie25560 commented 7 years ago

I had this same issue recently with both an AWS CentOS 7 and AWS RHEL 7 machine as well. I also tried doing a re-install of globus-connect-server but nothing worked. The version of globus-connect-server I was getting from the repository was 4.0.36 and I was using Python 2.7.5 on both machines.

I would get the following output when running globus-connect-server-setup -v: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 132, in <module> conf = ConfigFile(config_file=conf_filename, root=root) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 369, in __init__ self.validate(config_file) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 386, in validate val = self.get(section, opt) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 453, in get res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 811, in get d) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 384, in before_get self._interpolate_some(parser, option, L, value, section, defaults, 1) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 397, in _interpolate_some rawval = parser.get(section, option, raw=True, fallback=rest) TypeError: get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'raw'

The traceback is related to the get() function of the ConfigParser that is defined in globus/connect/server/

I was able to fix/bypass the issue by changing the following lines in

def get(self, section, option)
res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option)


def get(self, section, option, **kw)
res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=True)

After changing those lines globus-connect-server worked just fine and I was able to create my endpoint. I'm not sure if this is the correct fix or not, but it works at least temporarily.

Hope this is helpful!

bester commented 7 years ago

The stack trace helps. There seems to be a conflict with the version of ConfigParser from the python-configparser package (which seems subtly incompatible with the one in the python-libs package). I'm investigating.

henryiii commented 6 years ago

I'm now getting:

$ sudo globus-connect-server-setup
get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fallback'

CentOS 7, lots of local python packages. ConfigParser seems to be 3.5.0. (but it's getting one from backports,

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 132, in <module>
    conf = ConfigFile(config_file=conf_filename, root=root)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 374, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 391, in validate
    val = self.get(section, opt)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/globus/connect/server/", line 458, in get
    res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=raw, vars=vars)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 811, in get
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 384, in before_get
    self._interpolate_some(parser, option, L, value, section, defaults, 1)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/backports/configparser/", line 397, in _interpolate_some
    rawval = parser.get(section, option, raw=True, fallback=rest)
TypeError: get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fallback'

This seems to come from the python-backports package, which is needed by 16 other packages, like virtual environments, setuptools, anaconda, and more.

spikebike commented 5 years ago

This exact thing happens on Ubuntu 16.04 as well.

$ sudo globus-connect-server-setup
get() got an unexpected keyword argument 'fallback'
bester commented 5 years ago

I don't see this with the fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.5 (with or without the python-configparser package installed). Have you installed some extra python packages in the default path?

surh commented 5 years ago

The traceback is related to the get() function of the ConfigParser that is defined in globus/connect/server/

I was able to fix/bypass the issue by changing the following lines in

def get(self, section, option)
res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option)


def get(self, section, option, **kw)
res_str = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=True)

After changing those lines globus-connect-server worked just fine and I was able to create my endpoint. I'm not sure if this is the correct fix or not, but it works at least temporarily.

Hope this is helpful!

I had the same issue and was able to bypass it following this recommendation.

I am on ubuntu server Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS