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eslint timing check #121

Open gloriaJun opened 3 years ago

gloriaJun commented 3 years ago

To check the timing about the eslint rule check

❯ npm run lint       

> th-bank-webapp@1.7.5 lint /Volumes/data/trabajo/th-bank-webapp
> tsc --noEmit && TIMING=1 eslint . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx --cache

Rule                                    | Time (ms) | Relative
import/namespace                        | 38851.094 |    36.0%
import/no-cycle                         | 30868.673 |    28.6%
prettier/prettier                       | 15034.396 |    13.9%
@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment |  2335.782 |     2.2%
import/order                            |  2178.327 |     2.0%
import/no-self-import                   |  2134.647 |     2.0%
import/extensions                       |  1642.362 |     1.5%
import/named                            |  1482.279 |     1.4%
import/no-duplicates                    |  1420.110 |     1.3%
import/no-unresolved                    |  1130.483 |     1.0%
