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Typescript with array map and reduce with promise type #95

Open gloriaJun opened 3 years ago

gloriaJun commented 3 years ago
interface IGeneralObject<T> {
  [index: string]: T;

export interface IBranchPrInfo {
  isCreate: boolean;
  isMerge: boolean;

await targetBranchList.reduce(
    async (promise: Promise<IGeneralObject<IBranchPrInfo>>, branch: string) => {
      const result = await promise.then();

      const { isCreate } = (await inquirer.prompt([
          type: 'confirm',
          name: 'isCreate',
          message: `Create PR to '${branch}' branch`,
          default: [branchInfo.master].includes(branch),
      ])) as inquirer.Answers;

      const { isMerge } =
        isCreate &&
        ((await inquirer.prompt([
            type: 'confirm',
            name: 'isCreate',
            message: `Merge PR to '${branch}' branch`,
            default: [branchInfo.master].includes(branch),
        ])) as inquirer.Answers);

      result[branch] = {
        isCreate: isCreate as boolean,
        isMerge: isMerge as boolean,

      return Promise.resolve(result);