gloriajs / gloria

Gloria is a static website generator, based on NodeJS.
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Code of conduct? #86

Closed dvidsilva closed 7 years ago

dvidsilva commented 7 years ago

Is better to have one earlier than not, to avoid problems and etc, and some people don't wanna contribute to projects that don't have one. Specially important if we want to be a cool community for Jr devs to have a welcoming experience in open source.

For those unfamiliar, a code of conduct is like a set of rules we agree to, to participate in the project.

I prefer something super simple, assuming people generally have good intentions, and we don't need a zillion paragraphs to tell people to be nice to each other. Comments welcome!

Our open source community is a group of adults committed to developing awesome software that Works. Every other concern is subordinate to this goal. As adults, we recognize that there are certain kinds of childish behavior that are unwelcome in our community. We respond to such behavior by generally ignoring and/or—in extreme cases—making sport of, individuals who engage in such behavior. We accept everyone's contributions, we don't care if you're liberal or conservative, black or white, straight or gay, or anything in between! In fact, we won't bring it up, or ask. Those conversations have no place in the repo, issues or slack. Repeat offenders will probably get banned. If you need to complain about someone's behavior or report something never do it in public, message the maintainers on slack.

awulkan commented 7 years ago

Looks good, but I would not put so much emphasis on being an adult. I know a lot of teenagers that are awesome at programming and active in open source communities. I guess that could be more a question of how you interpret the word "adult" though.

dvidsilva commented 7 years ago

Fair point, I guess I intended adults as in mature, and not necessarily about age, something like this?

Our open source community is a group of people committed to developing awesome software that Works. Every other concern is subordinate to this goal. We recognize that there are certain kinds of childish behavior that are unwelcome in our community. We respond to such behavior by generally ignoring and/or—in extreme cases—making sport of, individuals who engage in such behavior. We accept everyone's contributions, we don't care if you're liberal or conservative, black or white, straight or gay, or anything in between! In fact, we won't bring it up, or ask. Those conversations have no place in the repo, issues or slack. Repeat offenders will probably get banned. If you need to complain about someone's behavior or report something never do it in public, message the maintainers on slack.

awulkan commented 7 years ago

Ship it.

awulkan commented 7 years ago

We'll need to change it later to include robots as well though, but I don't think any AI will become sentient this decade, so we're good for now.

dvidsilva commented 7 years ago

Added on commit