glosis-ld / glosis

GLOSIS ontology network
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Could code-lists for soil observations be useful? #123

Open ldesousa opened 9 months ago

ldesousa commented 9 months ago

GloSIS currently includes three principal categories of code-list (specified with SKOS):

While all these are useful, end users will primarily create/use instances of sosa:Observation classes. However these cannot be readily transformed into easily browsable, homan-friendly, HTML pages, like those automatically produced by software supporting SKOS.

Should the ontology include SKOS concept schemes grouping the different Observation series? Otherwise, how can observation instances and sub-classes be made more visible.

Update: similar discussion in issue #153.

ldesousa commented 3 weeks ago

@meganrwong Any thoughts on this question? Please check also the comments by Fenny in issue #153.