glossarist / iev-data

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Parsing: some `<a>` links to IEV concepts are not properly converted #125

Open ronaldtse opened 3 years ago

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago
concepts/concept-161-02-01.yaml:  definition: See {{IEV 103-05-02, IEV:103-05-02}} for the adjective and <a href="IEV702-07-781">IEV
concepts/concept-161-02-01.yaml:    702-07-781</a> for the noun
concepts/concept-161-02-01.yaml:  definition: Voir {{IEV 103-05-02, IEV:103-05-02}} pour l’adjective et <a href="IEV702-07-781">IEV
concepts/concept-161-02-01.yaml:    702-07-781</a> pour le nom

Notice some are converted but some are not.

ronaldtse commented 3 years ago
concepts/concept-447-01-49.yaml:        to <a href=IEV448-11-04>IEV 448-11-04</a> added for "protection system".
concepts/concept-447-01-49.yaml:      before the Note 1 to entry. Reference to <a href=IEV448-11-04>IEV 448-11-04</a>
concepts/concept-447-01-49.yaml:        à <a href=IEV448-11-04>IEV 448-11-04</a> a été ajoutée pour "système de protection".
concepts/concept-447-01-49.yaml:      Note 1 à l'article. La référence à <a href=IEV448-11-04>IEV 448-11-04</a> a
ronaldtse commented 3 years ago
concepts/concept-485-09-19.yaml:    IEV:485-08-01}}, généralement <a href="IEV485-08-0">pile à combustible à carbonates
concepts/concept-485-09-19.yaml:    fondus</a> ou {{pile à combustible à oxyde solide, IEV:485-08-10}}, et d'une turbine
ronaldtse commented 3 years ago
concepts/concept-523-07-03.yaml:    with several-wavelength monochromatic light and both the thickness and the <a
concepts/concept-523-07-03.yaml:    href="IEV845-04-101">refractive index</a> of the layers can be obtained simultaneously
concepts/concept-523-07-03.yaml:    l'épaisseur des couches et leur <a href="IEV845-04-101"> indice de réfraction</a>