glossawy / CCAutotyper

An Autotyper for ComputerCraft players who use servers that have HTTP Disabled!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Launch gui etc, approve, say yes, nothing happens... #3

Closed strangeoddity closed 9 years ago

strangeoddity commented 9 years ago

tested to minecraft and to note pad. gui works fine (though do/d not confirm doesn't seem to have any effect?), but once I approve and hit yes, no typing.

14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: ========== SYS INFO ========== 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: JAVA_HOME: E:\cctyper\jre 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: JAVA_VEND: Oracle Corporation 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: JAVA_VURL: 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: RUNNING Java 1.8.0_25 compiled to class version 52.0 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: USING Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.25-b02 by Oracle Corporation w/ compiler null 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: OS: Windows 7 x64 6.1 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: CP: E:\cctyper\ccautotyper.jar 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: TN: 8 cores TMP_DIR: C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp\ 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: SPECIFIED Java Platform API Specification 1.8 by Oracle Corporation 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: SPECIFIED Java Virtual Machine Specification 1.8 by Oracle Corporation 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: ============================== 14:11:22 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: 14:11:23 - [CC Autotyper][INFO ]: SUCCESS! LookAndFeel set to System LookAndFeel --! 14:11:23 - [CC Autotyper][DEBUG]: Using JavaFX GUI 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Add FXParseable com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.AutoCompleteTextField as %at 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-coffeescript for 'CoffeeScript'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-lua for 'Lua'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-properties for 'Properties'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-csharp for 'CSharp'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-ini for 'INI'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-sql for 'SQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-c++src for 'C++'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-javascript for 'JavaScript'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-erlang for 'Erlang'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-yaml for 'YAML'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-css for 'CSS'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-csrc for 'C'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-pascal for 'Pascal'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-rust for 'Rust'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-objectivec for 'Objective-C'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-ruby for 'Ruby'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-html for 'HTML'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-hive for 'HIVE'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-mssql for 'MsSQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-mariadb for 'MariaDB'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-scala for 'Scala'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode application/sparql-query for 'SparQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-r for 'R'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-markdown for 'Markdown'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-common-lisp for 'Common Lisp'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-shell for 'Shell'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-haskell for 'Haskell'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-hxml for 'Haxe'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-perl for 'Perl'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-python for 'Python'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/vbscript for 'VBScript'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-groovy for 'Groovy'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-tcl for 'Tcl'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-php for 'PHP'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-cassandra for 'CassandraQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-go for 'Go'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-django for 'Django'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-fortran for 'FORTRAN'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-spreadsheet for 'Spreadsheet'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/xml for 'XML'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-cobol for 'COBOL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-java for 'Java'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-vb for 'Visual BASIC'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-stsrc for 'SmallTalk'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-mysql for 'MySQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-octave for 'Octave'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-apl for 'APL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-plsql for 'plSQL'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Installed Mode text/x-clojure for 'Clojure'... 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][DEBUG]: Found icon32.png 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][DEBUG]: Found icon48.png 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][DEBUG]: Found icon64.png 14:11:25 - [FX_GUI][DEBUG]: Found icon128.png 14:11:36 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Downloading AWbyyx5E from 14:11:36 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Finished! 14:11:53 - [Typer][INFO ]: Writing File of Size 15 KB consisting of 519 lines 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: Exception of type java.lang.IllegalStateException caught! 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: Error Message: This operation is permitted on the event thread only; currentThread = Typer 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: Caught by UncaughtExceptionHandler 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: ======================================= 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: Stack Trace: 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.type( 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.typeFile( 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.FXAutotyperWindow$5$ 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:11:53 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:12:10 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Downloading AWbyyx5E from 14:12:10 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Finished! 14:12:22 - [Typer][INFO ]: Writing File of Size 15 KB consisting of 519 lines 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: Exception of type java.lang.IllegalStateException caught! 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: Error Message: This operation is permitted on the event thread only; currentThread = Typer 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: Caught by UncaughtExceptionHandler 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: ======================================= 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: Stack Trace: 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.type( 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.typeFile( 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.FXAutotyperWindow$5$ 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:12:22 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:00 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Downloading AWbyyx5E from 14:13:01 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Finished! 14:13:10 - [Typer][INFO ]: Writing File of Size 15 KB consisting of 519 lines 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: Exception of type java.lang.IllegalStateException caught! 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: Error Message: This operation is permitted on the event thread only; currentThread = Typer 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: Caught by UncaughtExceptionHandler 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: ======================================= 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: Stack Trace: 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.type( 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.typeFile( 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.FXAutotyperWindow$5$ 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:10 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Downloading AWbyyx5E from 14:13:25 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Finished! 14:13:35 - [Typer][INFO ]: Writing File of Size 15 KB consisting of 519 lines 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: Exception of type java.lang.IllegalStateException caught! 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: Error Message: This operation is permitted on the event thread only; currentThread = Typer 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: Caught by UncaughtExceptionHandler 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: ======================================= 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: Stack Trace: 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.type( 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.typeFile( 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.FXAutotyperWindow$5$ 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:35 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:45 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Downloading AWbyyx5E from 14:13:45 - [FX_GUI][INFO ]: Finished! 14:13:59 - [Typer][INFO ]: Writing File of Size 15 KB consisting of 519 lines 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION=============== 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: Exception of type java.lang.IllegalStateException caught! 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: Error Message: This operation is permitted on the event thread only; currentThread = Typer 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: Caught by UncaughtExceptionHandler 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: ======================================= 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: Stack Trace: 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.doType( 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.type( 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.robot.FXKeyboard.typeFile( 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: com.mattc.autotyper.gui.fx.FXAutotyperWindow$5$ 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: 14:13:59 - [Typer][ERROR]: ===============EXCEPTION===============

glossawy commented 9 years ago

That is just... silly. I was so focused on getting the GUI to work properly and auto-completion and making the code look better and be more maintainable that I forgot to make the do/do not button do something and to fix that fatal bug.


glossawy commented 9 years ago

Fixed. Release v2.0a updated (Not Significant Enough to Warrant a new update)