glouppe / phd-thesis

Repository of my thesis "Understanding Random Forests"
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IPython notebooks #1

Open jaidevd opened 9 years ago

jaidevd commented 9 years ago

Hi Gilles, Would it be useful if I converted some (or preferably all) of your work into iPython notebooks and sent a patch? This is primarily motivated by OSX Mavericks messing up with my TeX environment and me not being able to build your thesis properly.


glouppe commented 9 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your interest. Are you suggesting to convert the whole thesis into a giant IPython notebook? This would be great but I am afraid this would also take quite some time.

jaidevd commented 9 years ago

No, I don't think that would be feasible. All your python scripts are fairly self contained and quite well documented, so I suggest we take those scripts, take a little bit of context from the thesis (enough to explain the code in the scripts), and make notebooks out of that.

glouppe commented 9 years ago

Okay then, feel free to reuse them to write notebooks :)

AtlasPilotPuppy commented 9 years ago

@jaidevd @glouppe I really like the idea of IPython notebooks as well. They would be a lot easier to share and display as well.