glpi-project / glpi

GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing.
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Ticket assignment error to another group #12337

Open wc55 opened 2 years ago

wc55 commented 2 years ago

Code of Conduct

Is there an existing issue for this?



Bug description

When a ticket is assigned to another group, a message appears on the screen: "You don't have permission to perform this action."

Relevant log output

2022-07-29 11:26:24 [9@glpi]
User ID: 9 tried to access or perform an action on /front/ticket.form.php?id=149 with insufficient rights. Additional information: No additional information given
    Stack Trace:
        /var/www/html/glpi/src/CommonDBTM.php:6240 displayRightError()
        /var/www/html/glpi/src/CommonDBTM.php:6328 displayAccessDeniedPage()
        /var/www/html/glpi/front/ticket.form.php:259 displayFullPageForItem()

Page URL


Steps To reproduce

1 - Access a ticket: image

2 - Assign the ticket to another group and remove it from the current group:


3 - Click on the "Save" button.

4 - Error is displayed, but ticket is assigned:


5 - Ticket in the other group: image

Your GLPI setup information

Instruções de instalação e configuração
GLPI 10.0.2 ( => /var/www/html/glpi)
Installation mode: TARBALL
Current language:pt_BR

Operating system: Linux glpi #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 22:23:49 UTC 2021 x86_64
PHP 7.4.28 apache2handler (Core, FFI, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apache2handler, apc, apcu, bz2,
    calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imap, intl, json, ldap, libxml,
    mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, posix, readline, session, shmop, sockets, sodium, standard, sysvmsg,
    sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib)
Setup: max_execution_time="30" memory_limit="128M" post_max_size="8M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files"
Software: Apache/2.4.53 (Debian) (Apache/2.4.53 (Debian) Server at Port 80
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Server Software: binary distribution
    Server Version: 10.7.4-MariaDB-1:10.7.4+maria~focal
    Parameters: glpi_user@mariadb/glpidb
    Host info: mariadb via TCP/IP

PHP version (7.4.28) is supported.
Sessions configuration is OK.
Allocated memory is sufficient.
mysqli extension is installed.
Following extensions are installed: dom, fileinfo, json, simplexml.
curl extension is installed.
gd extension is installed.
intl extension is installed.
libxml extension is installed.
zlib extension is installed.
Database engine version (10.7.4) is supported.
The log file has been created successfully.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cache has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/config has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cron has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_dumps has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_graphs has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_lock has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_pictures has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_plugins has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_rss has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_sessions has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_tmp has been validated.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/files/_uploads has been validated.
Web access to the files directory should not be allowed but this cannot be checked automatically on this instance.
Make sure access to error log file (/files/_log/php-errors.log) is forbidden; otherwise review .htaccess file and web server configuration.
exif extension is installed.
ldap extension is installed.
openssl extension is installed.
zip extension is installed.
bz2 extension is installed.
Zend OPcache extension is installed.
Following extensions are installed: ctype, iconv, mbstring, sodium.
Write access to /var/www/html/glpi/marketplace has been validated.
Access to timezone database (mysql) is not allowed.

GLPI constants
GLPI_ROOT: /var/www/html/glpi
GLPI_CONFIG_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/config
GLPI_VAR_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files
GLPI_MARKETPLACE_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/marketplace
GLPI_DOC_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files
GLPI_CACHE_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cache
GLPI_CRON_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_cron
GLPI_DUMP_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_dumps
GLPI_GRAPH_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_graphs
GLPI_LOCAL_I18N_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_locales
GLPI_LOCK_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_lock
GLPI_LOG_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_log
GLPI_PICTURE_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_pictures
GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_plugins
GLPI_RSS_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_rss
GLPI_SESSION_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_sessions
GLPI_TMP_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_tmp
GLPI_UPLOAD_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_uploads
GLPI_INVENTORY_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/files/_inventories
GLPI_I18N_DIR: /var/www/html/glpi/locales
GLPI_SCHEMA_VERSION: 10.0.2@a130db99c7d9b131c2e2ea59fe0d6260fe93d831

htmlawed/htmlawed version 1.2.6 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/htmlawed/htmlawed)
phpmailer/phpmailer version 6.6.0 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/src)
simplepie/simplepie version 1.5.8 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/simplepie/simplepie/library)
tecnickcom/tcpdf version 6.4.4 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf)
michelf/php-markdown in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/michelf/php-markdown/Michelf)
true/punycode in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/true/punycode/src)
iamcal/lib_autolink in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/iamcal/lib_autolink)
sabre/dav in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/sabre/dav/lib/DAV)
sabre/http in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/sabre/http/lib)
sabre/uri in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/sabre/uri/lib)
sabre/vobject in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/sabre/vobject/lib)
laminas/laminas-i18n in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-i18n/src)
laminas/laminas-servicemanager in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-servicemanager/src)
monolog/monolog in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog)
sebastian/diff in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/sebastian/diff/src)
donatj/phpuseragentparser in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/donatj/phpuseragentparser/src/UserAgent)
elvanto/litemoji in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/elvanto/litemoji/src)
symfony/console in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/console)
scssphp/scssphp in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/scssphp/scssphp/src)
laminas/laminas-mail in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Protocol)
laminas/laminas-mime in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/laminas/laminas-mime/src)
rlanvin/php-rrule in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/rlanvin/php-rrule/src)
blueimp/jquery-file-upload in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/blueimp/jquery-file-upload/server/php)
ramsey/uuid in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/ramsey/uuid/src)
psr/log in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log)
psr/simple-cache in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/psr/simple-cache/src)
psr/cache in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/psr/cache/src)
league/csv in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/league/csv/src)
mexitek/phpcolors in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/mexitek/phpcolors/src/Mexitek/PHPColors)
guzzlehttp/guzzle in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src)
guzzlehttp/psr7 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src)
glpi-project/inventory_format in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/glpi-project/inventory_format/lib/php)
wapmorgan/unified-archive in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/wapmorgan/unified-archive/src)
paragonie/sodium_compat in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/paragonie/sodium_compat/src)
symfony/cache in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/cache)
html2text/html2text in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/html2text/html2text/src)
symfony/css-selector in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/css-selector)
symfony/dom-crawler in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/dom-crawler)
twig/twig in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/twig/twig/src)
twig/string-extra in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/twig/string-extra)
symfony/polyfill-ctype not found
symfony/polyfill-iconv not found
symfony/polyfill-mbstring not found
symfony/polyfill-php80 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php80)
symfony/polyfill-php81 in (/var/www/html/glpi/vendor/symfony/polyfill-php81)
phpCas version 1.3.8 in (/usr/share/php/CAS/source)

LDAP directories
Server: '', Port: '389', BaseDN: 'ou=people,dc=ufpr,dc=br', Connection filter: none, RootDN: none, Use TLS: none

SQL replicas
Not active

Way of sending emails: PHP

Plugins list
    fields               Name: Additional fields              Version: 1.17.0     State: Enabled                                 
        Install Method: Manual
    behaviors            Name: Comportamentos                 Version: 2.7.2      State: Enabled                                 
        Install Method: Manual
    datainjection        Name: Data injection                 Version: 2.11.2     State: Installed / not activated               
        Install Method: Manual
    formcreator          Name: Form Creator                   Version: 2.13.0-rc.2 State: Enabled                                 
        Install Method: Manual
    genericobject        Name: Gerenciamento de objetos       Version: 2.12.1     State: Enabled                                 
        Install Method: Manual
    itilcategorygroups   Name: Grupos ItilCategory            Version: 2.5.0      State: Installed / not activated               
        Install Method: Manual
    tag                  Name: Tag Management                 Version: 2.9.2      State: Installed / not activated               
        Install Method: Manual

Anything else?

Profile settings


wc55 commented 2 years ago

Complementing: The error is when tikcet is assigned to a group and removed from the current group.

wc55 commented 2 years ago

Complementing: The error is when tikcet is assigned to a group and removed from the current group.

I don't think I provided the full scenario.

The error appears when the ticket is assigned to another group and removed from the current group. The message appears to the technician doing the action.

Example: Technician 1 from group A, assigns ticket 100 to group B and unassigns group A.

If you assign group B and save, you do not receive the error, but when you remove group A, you receive the message.

If you assign group B and remove group A and then click Save, the error also appears.

On both occasions the ticket is sent, despite the message

cconard96 commented 2 years ago

I am not able to recreate this issue on 10.0.2 or the latest GLPI 10 commit. I created a profile with the same Ticket rights as shown in the screenshot, created a ticket with one user and assigned it to a group that my test user was in. The only way the test user should have been able to see the ticket was through that group. As the test user, I removed the first group and added a second group it was a member of in the same action, and I never saw an access error.

wc55 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, maybe I didn't inform you correctly.

The ticket is open in group A, and the user has access only to group A. The error appears when the user assigns the ticket to group B.

In my example, the user tried to assign the ticket from the "CSA" group to the "SSI" group, but he only has access to the "CSA" group and has no access to the "SSI" group.

The assignment is done, but there is this message. If possible, I would like the functionality not to display the message.

User permissions


github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

There has been no activity on this issue for some time and therefore it is considered stale and will be closed automatically in 10 days.

If this issue is related to a bug, please try to reproduce on latest release. If the problem persist, feel free to add a comment to revive this issue. If it is related to a new feature, please open a topic to discuss with community about this enhancement on suggestion website.

You may also consider taking a subscription to get professionnal support or contact GLPI editor team directly.

wc55 commented 2 years ago


In version 10.0.3, the issue is still reproduced when a technician assigns the ticket to another group he doesn't have access to and removes his own group.

In the profile, the technician does not have access to all groups

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

There has been no activity on this issue for some time and therefore it is considered stale and will be closed automatically in 10 days.

If this issue is related to a bug, please try to reproduce on latest release. If the problem persist, feel free to add a comment to revive this issue. If it is related to a new feature, please open a topic to discuss with community about this enhancement on suggestion website.

You may also consider taking a subscription to get professionnal support or contact GLPI editor team directly.

wc55 commented 1 year ago


In version 10.0.5, the issue is still reproduced when a technician assigns the ticket to another group he doesn't have access to and removes his own group.

In the profile, the technician does not have access to all groups.

I believe that the "assigned" function of the profile that gives access to forward the ticket, but this error occurs

cedric-anne commented 1 year ago


The problem here is probably that you remove yourself the right to display the ticket itself. The right way to fix this is probably to redirect the user to the ticket list when it has not anymore the right to access the ticket he just updated.

wc55 commented 1 year ago


I was only able to test version 10.0.6 now. Two messages are displayed, one confirming the update and another informing about the technician not having access to the call.

Now the messages at least hint that the call has been assigned.

I saw that the correction will be made in version 10.0.7. I will wait.

Thank you very much
