Closed sdicioccio81 closed 6 years ago
Hello, You should use the lock mechanism to prevent such issues, see: regards, Tomolimo
Thanks tomolino !
Doing that I encounter another error that is explained right here :
Undefined index : interface in glpi\inc\profile\profile.class.php on line 379 and causing then the Profile to be used when locking items not loading
Following the described procedure in the link above does resolve it
For this: I'm sorry I can't help as I don't have any idea about this error message.
Thanks tomolino I resolved myself with the mentionned link in my previous post , it consist to comment the following lines in /glpi/inc/profile.class.php:
if ($this->fields["interface"] == "helpdesk") {
foreach ($this->fields as $key=>$val) {
if (!in_array($key,self::$common_fields)
&& !in_array($key,self::$helpdesk_rights)) {
This is not a good idea to comment those lines; you will open other issues elsewhere and will not be able to understand what is wrong...
Original issue seems to be fixed; closing
Hello trasher,
Lines where commented in order to choose the "Profile to use when locking items" otherwise list DO not load, I uncommented them once I choose the profile and the "List of items to lock" (in my case Tickets)
The locking mechanism seems to have a strong weakness that there is No timeout on the locking mechanism (maybe for an futur improvement), that causes issue in our environnement with many users NB on my side I have croned a "TRUNCATE TABLE glpi_objectlocks" every 10 minutes to temporarily solve.
However my first concern is why a simple follow up DO modify the status of a ticket, but however with what is described above I solved my issues
Thanks you
Hello @sdicioccio81 Regarding what you mentioned, the
No timeout
It is existing in the form of a cron job called: unlockobject
The timeout is hour based, and is unlocking objects locked for more than the setting, and not all objects like you do with the TRUNCATE TABLE.
regards, Tomolimo
0-GLPI version 9.1.6 , choose a ticket initially on "assigned" status 1- On an assigned assistance ticket one user start to write a follow up but DO NOT submit at thit time 2- On the same assistance ticket another user DO plan a task => status of the ticket is now 'planned' 3- The first user that was writing the follow up (in step 1) DO submit it just now
Expected result : The ticket should be on "planned" status
Actual result : The ticket "regress" to "assigned status
URL of the page : front/ticket.form.php
Screenshot of the problem (if pertinent) :
We can see some strange behavious in SQL logs
1st update (task) done by DI CIOCCIO Stéphane - Step 2 we see that task is created and ticket status updated to '3' (planned)
) VALUES ('ajout tache ','2017002205','3','1','0','3600','11','0','2018-02-19 13:45','2018-02-19 14:45:00','11','2018-02-19 13:40:22','2018-02-19 13:40:22','2018-02-19 13:40:22') UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '2018-02-19 13:40:22',users_id_lastupdater
= '11' WHEREid
= '2017002205' UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '7200' WHEREid
= '2017002205' => UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '3' WHEREid
='2017002205' UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '2018-02-19 13:40:22' WHEREid
='2017002205' INSERT INTOglpi_logs
) VALUES ('2017002205', 'Ticket', '', '0', 'DI CIOCCIO Stephane (11) (11)', '2018-02-19 13:40:22', '12', '2', '3') INSERT INTOglpi_logs
) VALUES ('2017002205', 'Ticket', 'TicketTask', '17','DI CIOCCIO Stephane (11) (11)', '2018-02-19 13:40:22', '0','', '10938') INSERT INTOglpi_events
) VALUES ('2017002205','ticket','2018-02-19 13:40:22','tracking','4','stephane_di_cioccio ajoute une tâche')2nd update (followup) done by Manuel MAINDRON - Step 3 we see that the follow up do modify back to status '2' (assigned')
) VALUES ('TEST BUG TEST BUG','2017002205','0','0','12','2018-02-19 13:40:40','2018-02-19 13:40:40','2018-02-19 13:40:40') UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '2018-02-19 13:40:40',users_id_lastupdater
= '12' WHEREid
= '2017002205' => UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '2' WHEREid
='2017002205' UPDATEglpi_tickets
= '2018-02-19 13:40:40' WHEREid
='2017002205' INSERT INTOglpi_logs
) VALUES ('2017002205', 'Ticket', '', '0', 'MAINDRON Manuel (12) (12)', '2018-02-19 13:40:40', '12','3', '2') INSERT INTOglpi_logs
) VALUES ('2017002205', 'Ticket', 'TicketFollowup', '17', 'MAINDRON Manuel (12) (12)', '2018-02-19 13:40:40', '0','', '96660') INSERT INTOglpi_events
) VALUES ('2017002205','ticket','2018-02-19 13:40:40','tracking','4','manuel_maindron ajoute un suivi')[code] GLPI 9.1.6 ( => /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi)
Operating system: Linux GLP-PREP-AMP01 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Dec 28 14:23:39 EST 2017 x86_64 PHP 7.1.8 apache2handler (Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apache2handler, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, json, ldap, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, session, shmop, snmp, sockets, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib) Setup: max_execution_time="300" memory_limit="128M" post_max_size="2M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files" upload_max_filesize="15M" Software: Apache () Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36 Server Software: MySQL Community Server (GPL) Server Version: 5.6.37-log Server SQL Mode: Parameters: glpi@ Host info: via TCP/IP /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/config : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_dumps : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_sessions : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_cron : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_graphs : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_lock : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_plugins : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_tmp : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_rss : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_uploads : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_pictures : OK /data/glpi/glpi-916/glpi/files/_log : OK SELinux mode is Enforcing SELinux boolean configuration for httpd_can_network_connect --> on SELinux boolean configuration for httpd_can_network_connect_db --> on SELinux boolean configuration for httpd_can_sendmail --> on
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Server: '', Port: '389', BaseDN: 'dc=carrefour,dc=com', Connection filter: none, RootDN: 'uid=readldap_redmine,ou=people,dc=corp,dc=carrefour,dc=com', Use TLS: none
Not active
Way of sending emails: SMTP (
fields Name: Champs supplémentaires Version: 1.6.2 State: Not installed behaviors Name: Comportements Version: 1.5.0 State: Enabled tag Name: Gestion des tags Version: 2.0.1 State: Enabled mod Name: GLPI Modifications Version: 1.1.2 State: Enabled renamer Name: Renamer Version: State: To be cleaned dashboard Name: Tableau de bord Version: 0.8.6 State: Enabled ticketlink Name: Ticketlink Version: 1.0.21 State: To be cleaned