glucauze / sd-webui-faceswaplab

Extended faceswap extension for StableDiffusion web-ui with multiple faceswaps, inpainting, checkpoints, ....
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Ways to improve gender-matching controls #110

Closed Benjamin1973 closed 10 months ago

Benjamin1973 commented 10 months ago

Kudos on awesome project. I'm enjoying it a lot!

Since automatic gender guessing on checkpoint creation is sometimes wrong (e.g. it thinks my wife is a man!), please do one or both of:

1) Allow arbitrary gender assignment on training a new checkpoint, rather than letting the model decide.


2) Add a "match to female / match to male" option instead of just "Same Gender" in the Face settings.

glucauze commented 10 months ago

This is already possible in checkpoint builder

Benjamin1973 commented 10 months ago

I've just updated, and I have the following on my Tools/Build tab: Batch Sources Images, Preview, Name of Character, Overwrite Checkpoint. I cannot see any gender-setting options.

Am I missing a setting somewhere to enable advanced options or something?

Benjamin1973 commented 10 months ago

Oh wow I'm stupid. I updated and restarted UI, but it didn't "stick." Just restarted Auto1111.

Couldn't be happier, you rock!

Since I have you, I have a question-- can I Batch a folder? I can only see selecting individual files, but limit seems to be about 1000. Great for image folders, but not good for long set of movie stills.

glucauze commented 10 months ago

I don't have on options for batch folder no. I used the gradio features that are not really perfect. Might be done in the futur.

Benjamin1973 commented 10 months ago

Oh I see, limitations of the framework, I understand.

How about this-- batch by list of faces? So it would make a new folder for each face, and re-batch.

glucauze commented 10 months ago

The easier would be to add a batch dir option in the batch source. By gradio not perfect, i mean the interface for dropping could be improved. You probably could use the API in the meantime to avoid that but that would require more work.

Benjamin1973 commented 10 months ago

Well, my issue is with the number of files max-- about 1000. A movie would have potentially 60 frames / sec 3600 sec / hr 1.5 = gonna be a burden if you have to select them 1000 at a time.

glucauze commented 10 months ago

There are probably better tools for movies right now :)

Anyway, you can probably use API in the meantime :