Closed peter-villadsen closed 7 months ago
Hi @peter-villadsen it's been a while!
I tried your repro on the latest ILRepack (2.0.30) and it seems to be working fine:
IL Repack - Version 2.0.31
Runtime: ILRepack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
------------- IL Repack Arguments -------------
/lib:C:\users\kiril\.nuget\packages\\6.0.0\ref\net6.0 /out:Test.dll C:\Temp\ilrepack300\mydll.dll /log /verbose /pause
Adding assembly for merge: C:\Temp\ilrepack300\mydll.dll
Processing references
Processing types
- Importing <Module> from mydll.dll
- Importing <Module>
Merging <Module>
- Importing <Module> from netmodule1.netmodule
- Importing <Module>
Merging <Module>
- Importing <Module> from netmodule2.netmodule
- Importing <Module>
Merging <Module>
Processing exported types
Processing resources
Fixing references
- Fixing references for type <Module>
Processing public types tree
Processing XAML resource paths ...
Writing temporary assembly: C:\temp\ilrepack359\2\ILRepack-7188-706666\Test.dll
Wrote C:\temp\ilrepack359\2\Test.dll
If there are still any issues in the latest version feel free to file a new issue and I'll be happy to look into it.
I need to create an assembly that contains the content of an assembly that contains references to netmodules. This fails with a null references when trying to access the .Assembly information for the ModuleDefinition for the modules. I do not know if this is a Cecil issue, but I was able to write some code where Cecil correctly referenced all the types in the assembly correctly. To repro, build two netmodules with some content - The content of the cs files is not important here: Use an empty class:
csc /debug /t:module /out:netmodule1.netmodule code1.cs csc /debug /t:module /out:netmodule2.netmodule code2.cs al.exe /out:mydll.dll /t:lib netmodule1.netmodule netmodule2.netmodule
Now the assembly mydll.dll (and the corresponding PDB files) contain the references to the two netmodules. If I consume it in JustDecompile it will show the netmodules and the included types correctly.
Now attempt to use IL-Repack to create a new assembly ilrepack /out:result.dll /verbose includesNetmodules.dll
It will fail with a null dereference exception, producing the output listed below (I removed references to the exact paths for legibility). If I write some code that opens the assembly and traverses the modules with the newest version of Cecil:
using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Pdb; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection;
namespace MergerApp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(args[0], readerParameters)) { foreach (var module in assemblyDefinition.Modules) { foreach (var typeDefinition in module.Types.Where(t => !t.Name.StartsWith("<"))) { Console.WriteLine(typeDefinition.FullName); } } } } } }
the types are correctly listed.
Here is the log:
INFO: IL Repack - Version 2.1.0 VERBOSE: Runtime: ILRepack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null INFO: ------------- IL Repack Arguments ------------- /out:r.dll referencesDLls.dll
INFO: Adding assembly for merge: referencesDLls.dll INFO: Processing references INFO: Processing types VERBOSE: - Importing from referencesDLls.dll
VERBOSE: - Importing
INFO: Merging
VERBOSE: - Importing from netmodule1.netmodule
VERBOSE: - Importing
INFO: Merging
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ILRepacking.MappingHandler.GetScopeName(IMetadataScope scope) in \il-repack\ILRepack\MappingHandler.cs:line 82
at ILRepacking.MappingHandler.GetTypeKey(IMetadataScope scope, String fullName) in \il-repack\ILRepack\MappingHandler.cs:line 74
at ILRepacking.MappingHandler.GetTypeKey(TypeReference reference) in \il-repack\ILRepack\MappingHandler.cs:line 69
at ILRepacking.MappingHandler.StoreRemappedType(TypeDefinition orig, TypeDefinition renamed) in \il-repack\ILRepack\MappingHandler.cs:line 55
at ILRepacking.RepackImporter.Import(TypeDefinition type, Collection`1 col, Boolean internalize) in \il-repack\ILRepack\RepackImporter.cs:line 169
at ILRepacking.Steps.TypesRepackStep.RepackTypes() in \il-repack\ILRepack\Steps\TypesRepackStep.cs:line 67
at ILRepacking.Steps.TypesRepackStep.Perform() in \il-repack\ILRepack\Steps\TypesRepackStep.cs:line 54
at ILRepacking.ILRepack.Repack() in \il-repack\ILRepack\ILRepack.cs:line 337
at ILRepacking.Application.Main(String[] args) in \il-repack\ILRepack\Application.cs:line 29