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Linked Data Visualizations Across Multiple Files
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Settle on best way to communicate data linking #15

Closed ChrisBeaumont closed 12 years ago

ChrisBeaumont commented 12 years ago

How should selections be applied across data? Automatically? Manually as done now? Should their be a visual indication of which data sets are linked? Should the visual properties of linked data sets sync up?

In other words, what is the most intuitive way to do cross-data linking?

astrofrog commented 12 years ago

Here's one option: what you've demonstrated in the current GUI is something I think of as a one-time copy/paste, because you are copying one subset and pasting onto another existing subset (which might be a different color), so I can understand there is no linking. However, one could also imagine having the (alternate) option to say 'create this subset in this other dataset and auto-link it' which would produce a subset with the same color that would automatically update in both directions. Or one could have the option to create a 'dynamically linked subset' which would pop up a window asking for the two datasets to create a linked dataset for. I guess what I mean is that 'copy & paste' to me indicates a one time operation, whereas 'linking' indicates dynamic updating, and it might be nice to have both.

Anyway, this is probably more a question for @borkin (using the @ notation for a user ensures that they are notified!)

ChrisBeaumont commented 12 years ago

Yes, this is a possibility as well. I guess the HCI question for @borkin to figure out is when to use which style (manual vs auto), and how to communicate when and over what subsets/datasets auto-linking is being applied.

My guess is that auto-linking may be more intuitive when the conversion is obvious and fast (so that feedback is instant and reaffirms what we expect). If you set up propagating links (subset 1 links to subset 2 links to subset 3, across 3 different data sets), I suspect the auto-propagation will be confusing.

Probably, we will want to try implementing a few options, and testing them out.

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Thomas Robitaille <


Here's one option: what you've demonstrated in the current GUI is something I think of as a one-time copy/paste, because you are copying one subset and pasting onto another existing subset (which might be a different color), so I can understand there is no linking. However, one could also imagine having the (alternate) option to say 'create this subset in this other dataset and auto-link it' which would produce a subset with the same color that would automatically update in both directions. Or one could have the option to create a 'dynamically linked subset' which would pop up a window asking for the two datasets to create a linked dataset for. I guess what I mean is that 'copy & paste' to me indicates a one time operation, whereas 'linking' indicates dynamic updating, and it might be nice to have both.

Anyway, this is probably more a question for @borkin (using the @ notation for a user ensures that they are notified!)

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Chris Beaumont Graduate Student Institute for Astronomy University of Hawaii at Manoa 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, HI 96822

ChrisBeaumont commented 12 years ago

The LiveLink object should keep subset collections auto-synced. There's no hook into the GUI for this yet, as I would like to get input from @borkin on how to visually encode this