gluon / AbletonLive9_RemoteScripts

Unofficial repository for Ableton Live 9 MIDI Remote Scripts by Julien Bayle
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Cummunicate with other RemoteScripts #22

Open juschu opened 9 years ago

juschu commented 9 years ago

Does someone know a way to communicate with other RemoteScripts?' Lets say I have one script for my Launchpad and one script for my Behringer BCR. When I move the session rectangle on the Launchpad, I want the BCR to know which channels it should control.

I'm not sure, but I think when I worked with the Live API in Live 8, there was an API function like "Live.Application.get_other_remote_scripts()" which returned a list of all the registere remote scripts. But now I don't find anything like that. The last, but not my favorite solution would be to communicate over TCP to localhost.

alandrees commented 9 years ago

That repository has some of the code you're looking for. I built a bit of an event callback system to faciliate inter-script code (the ableton plus stuff).

That code was supposed to do exactly what you're looking to do. The only thing I didn't get to was writing in the functionality to encode parameters to be automatically bound on channel select (so I could pre-define a set of 32 parameters to control with grouped encoders on the top of the BCR2000).

The code is old, and only tested with Live 8, but the AbletonPlus stuff should work (I wrote it to be a generalized callback/event system).

juschu commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that really pointed me into the right direction: Static members in a custom base class. Now I'm feeling a bit stupid, because static members are not really a new concept to me.