gluon / AbletonLive9_RemoteScripts

Unofficial repository for Ableton Live 9 MIDI Remote Scripts by Julien Bayle
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Getting a CC button to reflect track Arming. #24

Open dataf1ow opened 9 years ago

dataf1ow commented 9 years ago

I have been running around in circles trying to get a ButtonElement to send a CC value of 1 to reflect arming of a track. Everything works flawlessly except for this one little piece. I had no problem getting clip values for play/stop/record out to my control, and I have tried all of the methods I could think of from the ButtonElement, as well as trying a ConfigurableButtonElement (although that seems more geared towards handling note types), even modifying that to hard code a custom on value. Is this even possible? I see it in other scripts using note values, but not CCs, so I am not entirely optimistic.

suefreeman commented 9 years ago

I can't write a script (not there yet) But from the script pages i've been reading.... CC's are usually assign to rotary buttons or fader ( VALUES 0 TO 127 ) and NOTES are assign to pressure button or switch button (ON / OFF) altough you can use either one or the other But you need to declare the CORRECT TYPE of Button being used. and i remember reading somewhere, that some CC's are reserved (approximatly from 1 to 7 and 123 to 128 ) just try another CC since you manage to make the others work - just dont use 1 ( i wouln'd since its usualy assing to mod whell.

Good luck

dataf1ow commented 9 years ago

Thanks for replying! Unfortunately none of that info is new or helpful to my situation. Like I said, I've got everything working fine with clips, and the interaction works fine, but the LED feedback is not happening. I even re-classed the ConfigureableButtonElement, with no luck at all. Perhaps switches/buttons in Live don't like to send values to CCs, or they can only send 127 when on. The particular control I am scripting for needs CCs with a value of 1 to turn on the LEDs.

datamafia commented 9 years ago

Look over my sloppy script, I had a bitch of a time implementing buttons to control tempo. But I got it - still don't understand all of it...thx to friend for help. Might be some of the bump you need.

dataf1ow commented 9 years ago

Appreciate that link! Unfortunately it has shed little light upon my issue (that being defining a value output on a CC button) but provided some good reading nonetheless. My hardest hurdle was finding a way to implement an undo button in my script. That was a true mystery. Subject slots and whatnot.

by the way, I do know who wrote the QuNeo scripts if you want to credit them in your (I work for KMI).