gluonhq / scenebuilder

Scene Builder is a visual, drag 'n' drop, layout tool for designing JavaFX application user interfaces.
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Broken dialogs when using a tiling window manager #182

Closed cilki closed 5 years ago

cilki commented 6 years ago

Some dialogs in Scene Builder 9.0.1 open as tiny white boxes under a tiling window manager (I'm using dwm). I tested Scene Builder 8.4.1 and all dialogs open as expected.


This issue occurs for File->Preferences, Help->Check For Update, and some other dialogs (Help->About works though). The open/save dialogs also seem to work since they are GTK.

I'm on Arch Linux 4.16.11-1 x86_64 and Scene Builder installed from here.

moacirrf commented 6 years ago

I think that i resolved this issue, on my Fork, i dont know if it is the best solution. Check for updates Preferences Window

cilki commented 6 years ago

@moacirrf I just got around to testing this.

I can confirm your commit fixes the preferences window and check for update, but I discovered two more dialogs where the error occurs:

Thanks for your help!

moacirrf commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I will correct this too, i wonder if it is a SceneBuilder or a Jfx runtime problem, but call Stage.sizeToScene() in a separate thread works well.

Platform.runLater(() -> getStage().sizeToScene()); Quite frankly i dont know if it is a good practice.

moacirrf commented 6 years ago

I think i Fixed this issue too, sorry for late.

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

This bug apparently was fixed on scene builder 11? or in runtime 11. Someone can confirm? Because i cant reproduce it anymore.

cilki commented 5 years ago

@moacirrf I'll test out the latest commit when I get a chance.

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

I tried run Scene builder 10 with Runtime 11, and the dialogs broke. But Scene Builder 11 with runtime 11 no problems. I published Scene Builder 11 on Aur

This is a package released by Gluon, with no changes.

cilki commented 5 years ago

This is what I get on 4.19.8-arch1-1-ARCH.


cilki commented 5 years ago

I just remembered that I recently updated my nvidia driver and that was the reason for the crash.

Unfortunately I'm still having the dialog issue with that package.

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

Hi, I did some changes on native Gtk libs, can someone test if it correct this bug, please? 1- Download my compiled libs and extract in somewhere. 2- Go to /opt/SceneBuilder-11/runtime/lib/, or in your SceneBuilder directory. 3- Make a security copy of the files:,, 4- Copy the downloaded files to /opt/SceneBuilder-11/runtime/lib 5- Execute SceneBuilder

Obs.: Open SceneBuilder.cfg, change gtk version to 3 or 2, so we can ensure that is working on both versions. ... [JVMOptions] -Djdk.gtk.version=2 ...


moacirrf commented 5 years ago

Im very happy that you are using my AUR package of Scene Builder. Thanks

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

If you are curious about the changes you can checkout here:

abhinayagarwal commented 5 years ago

Can you guys reproduce this bug when running from source using ./gradlew run?

The reason I ask this is because the run task force usage of GTK-2. In case this is a GTK-3 issue, we can add a JVM argument to the linux script to use GTK-2 by default.

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

Yes, this is a problem of Gtk with kde.

moacirrf commented 5 years ago

Its the same issue reported here.

abhinayagarwal commented 5 years ago

If this is a platform specific bug, I would rather close this issue linking to the OpenJFX issue. Let me know if you guys are ok with it?

cilki commented 5 years ago

@abhinayagarwal No problem, I didn't realize there was an OpenJFX issue for this one.