glushchenko / fsnotes

Notes manager for macOS/iOS
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Lost Data #1644

Closed ruby-lorenze closed 6 months ago

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago


Mate I don't know whats gone wrong but I seem to have lost a load of data - stuff I'm searching for just doesn't appear anymore. Can I be doing something wrong or how can I debug it? The data should be stored in iCloud Drive as well as the User/Library. Ive tried searching in the filesystem for known text but much of its encrypted> Sorry I? can't be of more help. Up till now i thought your 1:2:3 data replications was bombproof!

To Reproduce

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior

No response

FSNotes version

Version 6.5.0 (589)

macOS/iOS version

Sonoma 14.2

Additional context

No response

gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

It sounds like you have selected a subfolder and so are filtering the search only to that folder. This may be less obvious if you have also hidden the sidebar so cannot see that you have selected a folder.

  1. create a new note

Q: do you see it in the window? If not, have you hidden the sidebar?

  1. Choose File > Reveal in Finder

If you do see the new note in the sidebar, you can right click it and choose "Reveal in Finder".

This will reveal the note in the filesystem, alongside all the other notes.

Do you see them?

If you're still having problems, please post a screenshot or some information on what you're trying and why it's not matching your expectations.

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

Yes. All files seem to be there on iCloudDrive which is the good news but most are .markdown wrapped in textbundle which I had to admit I don't really understand. I have note with text "YES YES YES" at the top which I can find on the iclouddrive but when I search for it in the app its not appearing. I thought i would remove the textbundle container from Settings to None. and now most of them are now .rtfd, although some are still .markdown, .textbundle &.txt. Weirdly I was going to attach an example of the iclouddrive.markdown file and screenshot of FSNotes but when as you don't accept .markdown files for upload I duplicated the file intending to rename to file type to .txt and hey presto both the original and duplicate popped up in FSNotes!!! I'm afraid I'm at a loss....

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago


ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

I thought I would add a screenshot on the iCloudDrive/FSNotes Dir although this in only fraction of it. Phil Long - FSNotes - iCloudDrive

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

Oh and I forgot. there showing up in the iPhone App!!

gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

It sounds like you have selected a subfolder and so are filtering the search only to that folder.

Please show a screenshot of your FSNotes sidebar.

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

Well I seem to have duplicated a load of notes because when I couldn't see any data in a folder I selected Add External Folder?! Opps. These look to be all zero bytes so I guess I can delete them from iCloudDrive can I? But then only a few of the other notes .txt .rtfd although hery show bytes are also empty? FS Notes Sidebar

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

This isn't the whole side menu

gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

Right, you have "" selected... so any searching you do will only be searching that folder.

You need to deselect that by selecting an item that is higher up.

For example here is the image form the homepage:

to solve:


gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

I've created a feature request to make this situation more obvious for users #1646

ruby-lorenze commented 7 months ago

Yeah but as i understand it if you click on Notes you should get all the notes. I've only got a fractions of the hundreds I had previously. I could try restoring from Timemachine but I'm not sure if I should be restoring the iCloudDrive/FSNotes folder or there is also files in /User/Library/Containers/FSNotes? oh dear.... FSNotes - All Notes Selected

gingerbeardman commented 7 months ago

Personally, I wouldn't try to solve the problem until we figure out exactly what the problem is.

If they are all on iCloud Drive, then click the "iCloud Drive" header (it doesn't look clickable but it is)

FSNotes only does what you ask of it. It doesn't create or delete or move notes unless you command it to. Never ever will it do anything without you asking because it's programmed that way.

Regardless, it sounds that you have got your notes into a bit of a mess. If it helps, forget about FSNotes and work in Finder if you are more familiar with that. FSNotes preferences and/or right click "Reveal" will let you know which folder the notes are in, and you can organise them manually.

glushchenko commented 6 months ago

I think it was a bug related to caching, 6.6.5 resolves all this.