glushchenko / fsnotes

Notes manager for macOS/iOS
MIT License
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How Apple kills indie developers #695

Closed glushchenko closed 3 years ago

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

Over 2 year I am develop FSNotes app, over 1000 commits pushed. I write code almost every day and this is really hard work.

FSNotes available for free in brew and GitHub. I love this app. One motivation point for me was AppStore sales, and this is now ruined by Apple.

This message written after 50 days awaiting approving my iOS app – FSNotes Manager.

Case history

50 days ago I received this message in AppStore Connect:

Aug 6, 2019 at 6:45 AM From Apple Hello,

We are unable to continue this app’s review because your Apple Developer Program account is currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct

During our investigation, we will not review any apps you submit. Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center. Due to the nature of the investigation you will be ineligible to receive an expedited review until the investigation is completed.

We do not require any additional information from you at this time, nor do we have any additional details to share. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.

Best regards,

App Store Review

I tried to appeal and got this:

We understand your concern regarding this investigation. However, your account is still under investigation and no action has been taken against it at this time. We are investigating your apps, account, and any related accounts to ensure compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, Developer Code of Conduct, and Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

Once we have completed our investigation, we will notify you via Resolution Center of any next steps. Due to the nature of the investigation you will be ineligible to receive an expedited review until the investigation is completed.

If we require any additional information about your app or account, we will contact you. We appreciate your continued patience during our investigation.

No any additional info. WTF?

Letter written by bot, and you can Google it by key words

Many people with locked apps awaiting response from Apple. App store team silent from 1 to 3 month, and then unlock (?) reviewing process without any explanations. All these people paid for membership 99 $ and get nothing in results.

This is OK, App Store Team?

I am tried to connect via developers support page, and got same – nothing.

Hello Oleksandr,

I understand that you do not agree with the way the investigation is being carried out. However, until the investigation in to your account is competed no apps under your account will be reviewed.

I know that you would like information to share with your users regarding your app, but until the investigation is completed I will not have any updates or additional information to share.

Thank you for your continued patience throughout the investigation.

I think it's time to explain to the developers, what going on, Apple?

Please share and repost this.

jpantuso commented 4 years ago

Are you 100% certain you have not violated anything?

It is super annoying that it has been such a long time and they aren't communicating to you. This sort of thing can be life threatening for an indy developer with a family.

sfermigier commented 4 years ago

@jpantuso How can he be sure of anything if they don't give him any useful information?

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

@jpantuso I'm not 100% sure of course. But why not respond? :( Very sad. FSNotes not best of the best, but not worst.

Sent with GitHawk

lucasverra commented 4 years ago

I have not read the entire thing, but hopefully this is just a mistake, hang in there. As they say in France, "Bon courage !"

BernhardBln commented 4 years ago

You seem to be back 😉

UnforbiddenYet commented 4 years ago

@glushchenko Ти певен що дійсно не порушив нійких норм чи правил? Я б тобі радив писати їм листи із проханням розʼяснення на пошту, в твіттер і різні канали звʼязку.

Я про твоє нещастя дізнався із твіттера HN - Почни тред на HN в коментарях, можливо хтось із спільноти мав схожу проблему і допоможе.


churchofthought commented 4 years ago

Hang in there bub. Could just be a mistake

jupiterkenji commented 4 years ago

This is not good; I also read about app that has big disadvantage because apple has similar product. I reckon we need public mobile app platform.

petercunha commented 4 years ago

I hate that these things are practically automated by bots - developers have very little recourse when it comes to disputing these claims with an actual human at Apple.

I hope everything clears up soon for you, best of luck @glushchenko

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

@petercunha thank you 👍🏻

@UnforbiddenYet дякую за підтримку 🇺🇦

BernhardBln commented 4 years ago

Hm maybe I got this wrong, but when I open your app in the app store, at least it seems I could click the buy button? Or did they not suspend selling your current app, but only updating it?

wmealing commented 4 years ago

When you build for a walled garden monoculture, you should not be surprised when you find the wall or worse.. when the wall finds you. Open platforms are a better choice for developing on and at least you have options when things go south.

Good luck, i somehow feel as though the sunken cost fallacy will keep developers on this platform for longer than it deserves to live.

scottleey commented 4 years ago

guys - You have to recognise that Apple is competing against you. They have all the incentive to put you under investigation to advance their own interest. The platform who purportedly is helping you has an app that is your competitor. what do you think is going to happen when they have the leeway to do whatever they want? of course my claim is without any grounds but I wouldnt be surprised if there's some motive around that.

davidglassborow commented 4 years ago

discussion on hn:

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

This is so disheartening! It is guilty until proven innocent.

I've had similar experiences as a seller on eBay: when a buyer reports you they react in favour of the buyer because buyers make their business model work.

I suspect it's the same here, that Apple have received some sort of complaint about the iOS app (given that the macOS app is unaffected) and the automatic "guilty until proven innocent" system has been activated. And sadly the only thing to do is wait for it to finish. It could be something like waiting 60 or 90 days without any further complaints of the same nature. You could hope for intervention by a sympathetic App Store employee or rep, but I don't know how likely that will be.

To add insult to injury there is also the fact that this is an open source app and dishonest people are cloning it and selling it, and Apple are slow to take them down if they do at all.

Hm maybe I got this wrong, but when I open your app in the app store, at least it seems I could click the buy button? Or did they not suspend selling your current app, but only updating it?

@BernhardBln They are refusing to review/approve new versions of the FSNotes iOS app. But FSNotes macOS app is unaffected, which makes things stranger.

iszlailorand commented 4 years ago

It's simple, all the lookalike companies... don't care about this kind of situations, don't care at all. They will delay you by default and delay times are at the max limit 2-3 months... because: "they have a lot of request" and they don't have enough employees... but they have record revenues and they brag about them... what a paradoxal situation. If you pass this "small app" status and reach miliions of users, the next step is a small meeting where they audit your app... and multiply the value of your app with a number between 5-10 and reach you with "an offer that you can't refuse" and block every good willing app on the market, or change the initial idea of the app... that is modern censorship.

julian-goldsmith commented 4 years ago

@wmealing: Open platforms are definitely preferable for developers, but don't have anywhere near as many users. At the moment, if you want to reach the vast majority of mobile users, you have to go through either the App Store or the Play Store.

hmans commented 4 years ago

The bank always wins.

Pusnow commented 4 years ago

How about AltStore?

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

Finally update approved without any clarifications.

In AppStore connect i am still see this error:


Fucking Apple.

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

Where does the "1 unresolved iOS issue" link take you?

matchavez commented 4 years ago

Purchased MacOS in support.

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

@gingerbeardman to resolution center ...

Sent with GitHawk

wmealing commented 4 years ago

@wmealing: Open platforms are definitely preferable for developers, but don't have anywhere near as many users. At the moment, if you want to reach the vast majority of mobile users, you have to go through either the App Store or the Play Store.

There are other options and while not as popular would have had significant more clout if developers decided to use them. The trade off for 'more users' was not a big decision when the iP* devices were first being made, developers made the decision then that the walled garden was more profitable than the alternatives with no consideration of the long term.

abdalmonem commented 4 years ago

i had the same issue here :(

ghost commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Yesterday I had two app submissions: 1 was an update to an existing app and 1 brand new app upload.

After few hours since both apps got rejected and had the same message, they said that the investigation was complete but the apps can't be approved since mimics existing apps on the App Store.

I remove those 2 apps complete from my account. Today I uploaded an update to another app that I had for over a year and I do constant updates on that app. Suddenly they sent me the same message for this app today, saying the the account is under investigation. I never had issues with this specific app being updated.

Haibo-Zhou commented 4 years ago

Same issue for me today, I'm from China. Just create my 1st app using almost 3 months. Then they just reject my app and start investigating my account? WTF. At least they should provide additional info about what they expect, not only ask me to wait.

ghost commented 4 years ago

UPDATE: I received a new message from Apple. I hope it helps those on this thread.


Thank you for your continued patience.

We are writing to let you know that we have completed our investigation of your Apple Developer Program account. Upon further investigation, we found that your app does not comply with the following guidelines:

Guideline 4.3 - Design

We noticed that your app provides the same feature set as other apps submitted to the App Store; it simply varies in content or language, which is considered a form of spam.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.`

abdalmonem commented 4 years ago

@RaduRomanov in just tow days !, that's so good , i saw a lot of topics in appleDevoloperForm about this issue , some developers keep waiting for 3 months !

Haibo-Zhou commented 4 years ago

Update my status, Apple just approve my app 3 hours ago. It just take 4 days for the approval, I submit the version on last Thursday. Maybe I'm lucky!

In email: "Congratulations! We're pleased to let you know that your app, Vanilla Music, has been approved for the App Store. Once your app has been released, it can take up to 24 hours before your app becomes available on the App Store. "

Then after 24 hrs, I should could see my app in App Store.

abdalmonem commented 4 years ago

also me after 7 days waiting , i got a message from apple telling me that they end the investigation

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

This is very quick 😳 Lucky guy

juanradark commented 4 years ago

Apple only cares about money, not the quality of the AppStore. In the past, indie developers have created great games and utilities. But now, if you are a small company or an individual if they don't like something about your app. An employee or just the automated system decides to investigate your account for 3 months, which means the end for your business. Or just remove your developer account without any explanation. They don't investigate Facebook or Google apps, even knowing that they don't follow the guidelines about privacy.

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

Apple locked out somebody newsworthy

z31r4m commented 4 years ago

Did Apple ever explain why @glushchenko was “currently under investigation for not following the App Store Review Guidelines’ Developer Code of Conduct?”

This seems to be the core issue. (Edit, my bad, google is no help)

Seems like someone at Apple got their little feelings hurt. This is why I don’t see the point of developing anything Apple related except for personal use.

I started souring when Apple blundered with Kapeli (developer of Dash) and then tried to “force him to apologize” to cover it up. Maybe Apple needs more Eastern Europeans in Developer Relations? Or maybe just smarter people? Dunno.

graywen24 commented 4 years ago

I have not read the entire thing, but hopefully this is just a mistake, hang in there. As they say in France, "Bon courage !"


also haning there...

sdrygalski commented 4 years ago

Is it solved already?

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago


Roen-Ro commented 4 years ago

I came to this issue on Dec 2019, When i renewed my developer account and submitted my new app for review, then the next morning i received the under investigation message from resolution center. even though they said i can do nothing but waiting for apple's response, but i still tried to reply them some message, tell them that i have a similar app which is functionally with this new one, but they are target for different users. Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store


graywen24 commented 4 years ago

I came to this issue on Dec 2019, When i renewed my developer account and submitted my new app for review, then the next morning i received the under investigation message from resolution center. even though they said i can do nothing but waiting for apple's response, but i still tried to reply them some message, tell them that i have a similar app which is functionally with this new one, but they are target for different users. Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store


你这个等了多久 才approve的呀。。我等了快2个月了。。还是same

graywen24 commented 4 years ago


So just wait and wait 3 months plus and they will approve? Any other thing we can do? I submit few times already and show in review immediately rejected.

graywen24 commented 4 years ago

Same issue for me today, I'm from China. Just create my 1st app using almost 3 months. Then they just reject my app and start investigating my account? WTF. At least they should provide additional info about what they expect, not only ask me to wait.

any update?

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

immediately rejected

this is a different issue @graywen24

glushchenko commented 4 years ago

Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store

5 days vs almost 3 month in my case. And i still dont know why it happens.

graywen24 commented 4 years ago

Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store

5 days vs almost 3 month in my case. And i still dont know why it happens.

really frustrated ... I am the same case as you.... I have to have plan B and ask my friend to pushlish my app for my client now.. no choice

graywen24 commented 4 years ago

I have received the same message from Apple. I am not sure if it sent by a human reviewer or by a bot.

by bot.. definitely... and no one can ask for support... even you buy 10000 iphone

Roen-Ro commented 4 years ago

I came to this issue on Dec 2019, When i renewed my developer account and submitted my new app for review, then the next morning i received the under investigation message from resolution center. even though they said i can do nothing but waiting for apple's response, but i still tried to reply them some message, tell them that i have a similar app which is functionally with this new one, but they are target for different users. Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store 我也遇到了同样的问题,2019年年底的时候,不过现在解决了,但是当我尝试给朋友上传一个app壳(用他的新账户),我经过了层层伪装,而且做了一些功能,今天还是收到了这个回复。

你这个等了多久 才approve的呀。。我等了快2个月了。。还是same


Roen-Ro commented 4 years ago

Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store

5 days vs almost 3 month in my case. And i still dont know why it happens.

It may because i responded them through resolution center, may be, not for sure

dungnt109 commented 4 years ago

Then about 5 days later my new app changed to in review status and then approved the next morning, now it is sale on app store

5 days vs almost 3 month in my case. And i still dont know why it happens.

really frustrated ... I am the same case as you.... I have to have plan B and ask my friend to pushlish my app for my client now.. no choice

I got response from Apple Review. If your investigation takes a long time, you can contact Apple Review through!/topic/select. They will speed up the investigation.

HouHangLei commented 4 years ago

My application "Frog warehouse" received the same notification half a month ago and it is now available for sale. I explained the code logic complaint that may cause misunderstandings in machine review. My application passed after 12 days.