gluster / anthill

A Kubernetes/OpenShift operator to manage Gluster clusters
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Prometheus Object Builder and Grafana dashboard for Gluster-mixins #44

Open cloudbehl opened 5 years ago

cloudbehl commented 5 years ago

Describe the feature you'd like to have. What new functionality do you want? The gluster operator will create a k8s Prometheus object file which can be applied using OC/kubectl create -f file command. Also, it will create a yaml for grafana dashboard which can be applied to see the gluster related dashboards

Right now we are doing it manually using a shell script in gluster-mixins project.

What is the value to the end user? (why is it a priority?) How would the end user gain value from having this feature?

How will we know we have a good solution? (acceptance criteria) Add a list of criteria that should be met for this feature to be useful

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

JohnStrunk commented 5 years ago

I believe this ties in with the meeting from this morning. Assuming the mixin container + kube Job for deployment is how we go, we'll track operator deployment of that Job w/ this issue.