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Grafana dashboard not showing gluster volumes #134

Open JohnStrunk opened 5 years ago

JohnStrunk commented 5 years ago

During testing for GCS 1.0-pre, the Grafana dashboard is not displaying metrics for gluster volumes.

Once GCS is deployed, I created the following workload in namespace test:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig apply -n test -f scratch/test-glusterfs.yml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: test-glusterfs
  storageClassName: glusterfs-csi
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 1Gi


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: fs-performance
      name: fs-performance
        - name: fio
          args: ["clone", "kernel"]
            - name: TARGET_CAPACITY_MB
              value: "500"
            - name: TARGET_PATH
              value: "/target"
            - name: CLONE_REPO
              value: ""
            - name: target
              mountPath: /target
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: target
            claimName: test-glusterfs

After the workload started, I viewed the gluster Grafana dashboard, and the "Volume" dropdown only had the entry "None". All graphs either displayed "N/A" or "no data points". Datasource was the default: "Prometheus"

JohnStrunk commented 5 years ago

ping: @sidharthanup @cloudbehl

umangachapagain commented 5 years ago

AFAIK this happens because of multiple port forwarding and stuff that happens from pod to inside cluster to outside cluster, all they way up to the host. Which is why maybe Grafana is not able to resolve it initially. @sidharthanup Correct me if I'm wrong. However, If you create a new Datasource with exact same config from inside the Grafana UI, it works instantly. (This could be documented as a manual fix maybe??) @cloudbehl Any thoughts on this?

cloudbehl commented 5 years ago

@umangachapagain no clues why it is not working now? @sidharthanup any updates from your side?

sidharthanup commented 5 years ago

@aravindavk @aruniiird @shtripat Problem seems to be in the gluster-prometheus side..Once GCS is deployed, gluster-prometheus is not exposing any of the gluster metrics, not even the ps ones. One of the latest refactoring PRs must have prevented this. Looking into it.

sidharthanup commented 5 years ago

Disregard the previous comment. The metrics are available and exported properly...GCS was deployed incorrectly and hence the above issue. Now I did some debugging and as @JohnStrunk reports the grafana dashboard does not show any metrics: grafana-default

This is the volume capacity utilization metrics:


It seems like volume='$Volume' is where the issue lies. Removing it displays the correct metrics:


Also specifying volume=<name of gluster volume> yields the correct metrics( as it should):


So it seems like the Volume variable is not being set by gluster mixin. Not just for this metric but the same issue for others as well. @cloudbehl @umangachapagain Could you guys check it out in the gluster mixins side?

umangachapagain commented 5 years ago

@anmolsachan Can you verify this? As far as I remember, this wasn't the case when we tested against 0.5.

anmolsachan commented 5 years ago

@umangachapagain @sidharthanup Ack, Will verify what's the issue here.

anmolsachan commented 5 years ago

@sidharthanup i deployed the GCS setup, I cannot see any gluster_volume* metrics in in prometheus. The grafana dashboards need those metrics for displaying the info.

It seems like volume='$Volume' is where the issue lies. Removing it displays the correct metrics:

$Volume is intended and needs to be there to select different volumes.

Also specifying volume=<name of gluster volume> yields the correct metrics( as it should):

Thats translates to volume='$Volume where $Volume is the selector.

JohnStrunk commented 5 years ago

Are there any updates or associated issues/PRs?