gluster / gluster-ansible-infra

Ansible role to enable and deploy the backend of a Gluster cluster.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error with deploy glusterfs in ovirt node #137

Open AlexProfi opened 1 year ago

AlexProfi commented 1 year ago

Hello I get the same error selinux is off I found previous issuere here but advices from there don't help

try package in master and version 1.0.4 and pack from iso image TASK [gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup : Group devices by volume group name, including existing devices] *** fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'str object' has no attribute 'vgname'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/get_vg_groupings.yml': line 3, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Group devices by volume group name, including existing devices\n ^ here\n"}/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/get_vg_groupings.yml'

this is my deploy file single node gfs

        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          pvname: /dev/sdb
        - path: /gluster_bricks/engine
          lvname: gluster_lv_engine
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
        - path: /gluster_bricks/data
          lvname: gluster_lv_data
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
        - path: /gluster_bricks/vmstore
          lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore
          vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
        - sdb
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          lvname: gluster_lv_engine
          size: 100G
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          thinpoolname: gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_sdb
          poolmetadatasize: 3G
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_sdb
          lvname: gluster_lv_data
          lvsize: 500G
        - vgname: gluster_vg_sdb
          thinpool: gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_sdb
          lvname: gluster_lv_vmstore
          lvsize: 500G
    gluster_infra_disktype: RAID6
    gluster_infra_stripe_unit_size: 256
    gluster_infra_diskcount: 10
    gluster_set_selinux_labels: true
      - 2049/tcp
      - 54321/tcp
      - 5900/tcp
      - 5900-6923/tcp
      - 5666/tcp
      - 16514/tcp
    gluster_infra_fw_permanent: true
    gluster_infra_fw_state: enabled
    gluster_infra_fw_zone: public
      - glusterfs
    gluster_features_force_varlogsizecheck: false
    gluster_features_hci_cluster: '{{ cluster_nodes }}'
      - volname: engine
        brick: /gluster_bricks/engine/engine
        arbiter: 0
      - volname: data
        brick: /gluster_bricks/data/data
        arbiter: 0
      - volname: vmstore
        brick: /gluster_bricks/vmstore/vmstore
        arbiter: 0
      storage.owner-uid: '36'
      storage.owner-gid: '36'
      features.shard: 'on'
      performance.low-prio-threads: '32'
      performance.strict-o-direct: 'on'
      network.remote-dio: 'off' '30'
      user.cifs: 'off'
      nfs.disable: 'on'
      performance.quick-read: 'off' 'off' 'off'
      cluster.eager-lock: enable

how to resolve it i use ovirt 4.5 node iso

charnet1019 commented 1 year ago

Same issue. Are you fixed it?

liutaurasa commented 1 year ago

I could bypass the issue adding pvs key to all lvm definitions and fixing ansible tasks in few places. Below is my configuration (removed config of other nodes as they are identical to node1, so no need to show it here). Please note that elements in gluster_infra_thick_lvs, gluster_infra_thinpools and gluster_infra_lv_logicalvols arrays have pvs keys.

        - vgname: vg_nvme
          pvname: /dev/nvme0n1
        - vgname: vg_sata
          pvname: /dev/sda
        - vgname: vg_infra
          pvname: /dev/md3
        - path: /gluster_bricks/engine
          lvname: lv_engine
          vgname: vg_infra
        - path: /gluster_bricks/data-sata
          lvname: lv_data
          vgname: vg_sata
        - path: /gluster_bricks/vmstore-sata
          lvname: lv_vmstore
          vgname: vg_sata
        - path: /gluster_bricks/data-nvme
          lvname: lv_data
          vgname: vg_nvme
        - path: /gluster_bricks/vmstore-nvme
          lvname: lv_vmstore
          vgname: vg_nvme
        - nvme0n1
        - nvme1n1
        - nvme2n1
        - sda
        - md3
      #  - vgname: vg_sata
      #    cachedisk: /dev/md3
      #    cachelvname: lv_cache
      #    cachetarget: thinpool_vg_sata
      #    cachelvsize: 5G
      #    cachemode: writethrough
        - vgname: vg_infra
          lvname: lv_engine
          size: 100G
          pvs: /dev/md3
        - vgname: vg_nvme
          thinpoolname: thinpool_nvme
          thinpoolsize: 100G
          poolmetadatasize: 3G
          pvs: /dev/nvme0n1
        - vgname: vg_sata
          thinpoolname: thinpool_sata
          thinpoolsize: 1T
          poolmetadatasize: 3G
          pvs: /dev/sda
        - vgname: vg_sata
          thinpool: thinpool_sata
          lvname: lv_data
          lvsize: 1T
          pvs: /dev/sda
        - vgname: vg_nvme
          thinpool: thinpool_nvme
          lvname: lv_data
          lvsize: 200G
          pvs: /dev/nvme0n1
        - vgname: vg_sata
          thinpool: thinpool_sata
          lvname: lv_vmstore
          lvsize: 1T
          pvs: /dev/sda
        - vgname: vg_nvme
          thinpool: thinpool_nvme
          lvname: lv_vmstore
          lvsize: 200G
          pvs: /dev/nvme0n1

here is the diff of changes I've made to backend_setuo tasks:

diff -Nupr ./cache_setup.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/cache_setup.yml
--- ./cache_setup.yml   2023-03-23 09:46:02.693167826 +0100
+++ /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/cache_setup.yml  2023-03-24 13:07:08.867586480 +0100
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 # caching)

 - name: Extend volume group
-  command: "vgextend --dataalignment 256K {{ item.vgname }} {{ item.cachedisk.split(',')[1] }}"
+  command: "vgextend --dataalignment 256K {{ item.vgname }} {{ item.cachedisk.split(',')[0] }}"
   # lvg:
   #    state: present
   #    vg: "{{ item.vgname }}"
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@

 - name: Create LV for cache
-    command: "lvcreate -L {{ item.cachelvsize }} -n {{ item.cachelvname }} {{ item.vgname }}"
+    command: "lvcreate --yes -L {{ item.cachelvsize }} -n {{ item.cachelvname }} {{ item.vgname }}"
       (.*)WARNING:(.*): "y"
   # lvol:
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_cache_vars }}"

 - name: Create metadata LV for cache
-  command: "lvcreate -L {{ item.cachemetalvsize }} -n {{ item.cachemetalvname }} {{ item.vgname }}"
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -L {{ item.cachemetalvsize }} -n {{ item.cachemetalvname }} {{ item.vgname }}"
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    vg: "{{ item.vgname }}"
diff -Nupr ./thick_lv_create.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thick_lv_create.yml
--- ./thick_lv_create.yml   2023-03-23 09:46:02.693167826 +0100
+++ /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thick_lv_create.yml  2023-03-24 13:07:08.868586483 +0100
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
       {%- set output=[] -%}
       {%- for cnf in gluster_infra_thick_lvs -%}
       {%- if cnf is defined and cnf is not none and cnf.vgname is defined
-            and (cnf.pvs is defined)
       {{- output.append({"vgname": cnf.vgname, "raid": | default() , "pvname": (cnf.pvs|default('')).split(',') | select | list | unique | join(',')}) -}}
       {%- endif -%}
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@
          {%- endif -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {{- 4 -}}
-         {%- endif -%} {{ (item.value | first).vgname }} {{ item.value | json_query('[].pvname') | unique | join(',') }}  {% if (item.value | first).raid is defined and (item.value | first).raid is not none
+         {%- endif %} {{ (item.value | first).vgname }} {{ item.value | json_query('[].pvname') | unique | join(',') }}  {% if (item.value | first).raid is defined and (item.value | first).raid is not none
             and (item.value | first).raid.level is defined and (item.value | first).raid.devices is defined and (item.value | first).raid.stripe is defined
             and (item.value | first).raid.level in [0,5,6,10]%}
          {% if (item.value | first).raid.level == 0 %}
@@ -102,6 +101,7 @@
   #       {%- else -%}
   #       {{- 4 -}}
   #       {%- endif -%}
+  failed_when: gluster_changed_vgs.rc is defined and gluster_changed_vgs.rc not in [0, 3, 5]
   loop: "{{ gluster_volumes_by_groupname | dict2items if gluster_volumes_by_groupname is defined and gluster_volumes_by_groupname is not none else [] }}"
    index_var: index
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@

 # Create a thick logical volume.
 - name: Create thick logical volume
-  command: "lvcreate -L {{ item.size | default('100%FREE') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -L {{ item.size | default('100%FREE') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }} {{ item.vgname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} "
   #  state: present
   #  vg: "{{ item.vgname }}"
@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@
   #  opts: "{{ item.opts | default() }}"
   #  shrink: "{{ item.shrink if item.shrink is defined and item.shrink is not none else true }}"
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_thick_lvs }}"
+  register: lvcreate_results
+  failed_when: lvcreate_results.rc is defined and lvcreate_results.rc not in [0, 5]
    index_var: index
   when: item is not none and lv_device_exists.results[index].stdout_lines is defined and "0" not in lv_device_exists.results[index].stdout_lines
diff -Nupr ./thin_pool_create.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thin_pool_create.yml
--- ./thin_pool_create.yml  2023-03-23 09:46:02.693167826 +0100
+++ /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thin_pool_create.yml 2023-03-24 13:07:08.867586480 +0100
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
       {%- for cnf in gluster_infra_thinpools -%}
       {%- if cnf is defined and cnf is not none and cnf.thinpoolname is defined and cnf.vgname is defined
             and (thinpool_attrs.results[loop.index0].stdout is not defined or thinpool_attrs.results[loop.index0].stdout.find("t") != 0)
-            and (cnf.meta_pvs is defined or cnf.pvs is defined)
       {{- output.append({"vgname": cnf.vgname, "pvname": (cnf.pvs|default('') ~ ',' ~ (cnf.meta_pvs|default(''))).split(',') | select | list | unique | join(',')}) -}}
       {%- endif -%}
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@
          {%- endif -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {{- 4 -}}
-         {%- endif -%} {{ (item.value | first).vgname }} {{ item.value | json_query('[].pvname') | unique | join(',') }} {% if (item.value | first).raid is defined and (item.value | first).raid is not none
+         {%- endif %} {{ (item.value | first).vgname }} {{ item.value | json_query('[].pvname') | unique | join(',') }} {% if (item.value | first).raid is defined and (item.value | first).raid is not none
             and (item.value | first).raid.level is defined and (item.value | first).raid.devices is defined and (item.value | first).raid.stripe is defined
             and (item.value | first).raid.level in [0,5,6,10]%}
          {% if (item.value | first).raid.level == 0 %}
@@ -143,6 +142,7 @@
   #       {%- else -%}
   #       {{- 4 -}}
   #       {%- endif -%}
+  failed_when: gluster_changed_vgs.rc is defined and gluster_changed_vgs.rc not in [0, 3, 5]
   loop: "{{ gluster_volumes_by_groupname | dict2items }}"
    index_var: index
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
   when: gluster_changed_vgs.changed

 - name: Create a LV thinpool-data
-  command: "lvcreate -l {{ item.thinpoolsize | default('100%FREE') }} --options {{ item.opts | default('') }}  -n {{ item.thinpoolname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -l {{ item.thinpoolsize | default('100%FREE') }} --options {{ item.opts | default('') }}  -n {{ item.thinpoolname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    shrink: false
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@

 - name: Create a LV thinpool-meta
-  command: "lvcreate -l {{ item.poolmetadatasize | default('16G') }} --options {{ ((item.meta_opts is defined and item.meta_opts) or item.opts) | default('') }}  -n {{ item.thinpoolname }}_meta {{ ((item.meta_pvs is defined and item.meta_pvs) or item.pvs) | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -l {{ item.poolmetadatasize | default('16G') }} --options {{ ((item.meta_opts is defined and item.meta_opts) or item.opts) | default('') }}  -n {{ item.thinpoolname }}_meta {{ ((item.meta_pvs is defined and item.meta_pvs) or item.pvs) | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    shrink: false
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@

 - name: Create a LV thinpool
-  command: "lvcreate {% if item.thinpoolsize is defined  %} -L {{ item.thinpoolsize }} {% else %} -l 100%FREE  {% endif %} --options {% if is defined and is not none
+  command: "lvcreate --yes {% if item.thinpoolsize is defined  %} -L {{ item.thinpoolsize }} {% else %} -l 100%FREE  {% endif %} --options {% if is defined and is not none
             and is defined and is defined and is defined
             and in [0,5,6,10]%}
          {% if == 0 %}
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@

 - name: Create a LV thinpool for similar device types
-  command: "lvcreate --type thin-pool --zero n {% if item.thinpoolsize is defined  %} -L {{ item.thinpoolsize }} {% else %} -l 100%FREE  {% endif %} --chunksize {{ lv_chunksize }} --poolmetadatasize {{ item.poolmetadatasize + \"iB\" }} -n {{ item.thinpoolname }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes --type thin-pool --zero n {% if item.thinpoolsize is defined  %} -L {{ item.thinpoolsize }} {% else %} -l 100%FREE  {% endif %} --chunksize {{ lv_chunksize }} --poolmetadatasize {{ item.poolmetadatasize + \"iB\" }} -n {{ item.thinpoolname }} {{ item.vgname }} "
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    shrink: false
@@ -296,6 +296,8 @@
   #    opts: " --chunksize {{ lv_chunksize }}
   #            --poolmetadatasize {{ item.poolmetadatasize }}
   #            --zero n"
+  register: lvcreate_thin_pools_results
+  failed_when: lvcreate_thin_pools_results.rc is defined and lvcreate_thin_pools_results.rc not in [0, 5]
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_thinpools }}"
   when: gluster_infra_thinpools is defined and is not defined

diff -Nupr ./thin_volume_create.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thin_volume_create.yml
--- ./thin_volume_create.yml    2023-03-23 09:46:02.693167826 +0100
+++ /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/thin_volume_create.yml   2023-03-24 13:07:08.867586480 +0100
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
   #    vg: "{{ (item.value | first).vgname }}"
   #    pvs: "{{ item.value | json_query('[].pvname') | unique | join(',') }}"
   #    pv_options: "--dataalignment 256K"
+  failed_when: gluster_changed_vgs.rc is defined and gluster_changed_vgs.rc not in [0, 3, 5]
   loop: "{{ gluster_volumes_by_groupname | dict2items }}"
    index_var: index
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@

 - name: Create a LV thinlv-data
-  command: "lvcreate -l {{ item.lvsize | default('100%FREE') }} --options {{ item.opts | default('') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -l {{ item.lvsize | default('100%FREE') }} --options {{ item.opts | default('') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }} {{ item.pvs | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    shrink: false
@@ -86,6 +87,8 @@
   #    opts: "
   #            {{ item.opts | default('') }} "
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_lv_logicalvols }}"
+  register: lvcreate_results
+  failed_when: lvcreate_results.rc is defined and lvcreate_results.rc not in [0, 5]
    index_var: index
   when: >
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@

 - name: Create a LV thinlv-meta
-  command: "lvcreate -l {{ item.meta_size | default('16G') }} --options {{ ((item.meta_opts is defined and item.meta_opts) or item.opts) | default('') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }}_meta {{ ((item.meta_pvs is defined and item.meta_pvs) or item.pvs) | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
+  command: "lvcreate --yes -l {{ item.meta_size | default('16G') }} --options {{ ((item.meta_opts is defined and item.meta_opts) or item.opts) | default('') }}  -n {{ item.lvname }}_meta {{ ((item.meta_pvs is defined and item.meta_pvs) or item.pvs) | default() }} {{ item.vgname }} "
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    shrink: false
@@ -107,6 +110,8 @@
   #    opts: "
   #            {{ ((item.meta_opts is defined and item.meta_opts) or item.opts) | default('') }} "
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_lv_logicalvols }}"
+  register: lvcreate_results
+  failed_when: lvcreate_results.rc is defined and lvcreate_results.rc not in [0, 5]
    index_var: index
   when: >
@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@

 #this fails when the pool doesn't exist
 - name: Create thin logical volume
-  command: "lvcreate  -T {{ item.vgname }}/{{ item.thinpool }} -V {{ item.lvsize }} -n {{ item.lvname }}"
+  command: "lvcreate --yes  -T {{ item.vgname }}/{{ item.thinpool }} -V {{ item.lvsize }} -n {{ item.lvname }}"
   # lvol:
   #    state: present
   #    vg: "{{ item.vgname }}"
@@ -145,6 +150,8 @@
   #    opts: >
   #     {{ item.opts | default() }}
   with_items: "{{ gluster_infra_lv_logicalvols }}"
+  register: lvcreate_results
+  failed_when: lvcreate_results.rc is defined and lvcreate_results.rc not in [0, 5]
    index_var: index
   when: >
diff -Nupr ./vg_create.yml /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/vg_create.yml
--- ./vg_create.yml 2023-03-23 09:46:02.693167826 +0100
+++ /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/vg_create.yml    2023-03-23 15:38:34.445005209 +0100
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
  #   pv_options: "--dataalignment {{ item.value.pv_dataalign | default(pv_dataalign) }}"
     # pesize is 4m by default for JBODs
  #   pesize: "{{ vg_pesize | default(4) }}"
+  failed_when: gluster_changed_vgs.rc is defined and gluster_changed_vgs.rc not in [0, 3, 5]
   loop: "{{gluster_volumes_by_groupname | default({}) | dict2items}}"
   when: gluster_volumes_by_groupname is defined and item.value|length>0