gluxon / phpwolf

The popular Werewolf game (variant of Mafia) powered by a PHP IRC bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

Pywolf reply methods #39

Open Mithadon opened 11 years ago

Mithadon commented 11 years ago

It could be nice to have pywolf be able to reply via /notice, if the option is turned on for that user's registered account. People have different IRC clients and sometimes it would be a lot more convenient to get pywolf's answer and to give it instructions in notice so that you don't lose the flow of the game. The !simple command is similar in faciliating gameplay.

also see

gluxon commented 11 years ago

One of the downsides of NOTICE is the concept of it. It's sends you a message in your current tab, but it can also get lost in there, or end up in the wrong tab (not ##phpwolf/#wolfgame). This was the concern of the Pidgin developers.

Additionally, the RFC for NOTICE also does not specify where the message is suppose to be displayed. I personally use libnotify on Ubuntu to rectify the issue described in the link.