gluxon / phpwolf

The popular Werewolf game (variant of Mafia) powered by a PHP IRC bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mechanism for idle users to be dropped #47

Closed Snuupy closed 11 years ago

Snuupy commented 11 years ago

Instead of an idle timer, what do you think about having other players typing !drop , and then giving them a set amount of time to respond before being dropped from the game? Sometimes, users are idle, but aren't afk. This combats that problem where the user is at the comp, bus misses the ping/highlight.

User 1: !drop User2 User2: You have 30 seconds to say !here before you're dropped from the game. User2: !here


User1: !drop User2 User2: You have 30 seconds to say !here before you're dropped from the game. User2 has been dropped from the game. He/she was a villager.