gluxon / phpwolf

The popular Werewolf game (variant of Mafia) powered by a PHP IRC bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

Broken locale with any other file than en_US in locales #50

Closed JXPheonix closed 11 years ago

JXPheonix commented 11 years ago

When the bot is run (using php phpbot.php) I get the following NOTICE: before it starts actually connecting to the server:

Undefined Variable: en_pir in phpwolflocation\includes\ on line 79

It proceeds to connect normally but when I type any commands in chat it does not respond.

What did I break? :whale:

JXPheonix commented 11 years ago

I thought the issue is that it's not sure how to take multiple language files...however, when I run the bot with ONLY en_pir in the folder it still gives the error.

:octocat: These smileys are too fun.

JXPheonix commented 11 years ago

Just to test out the task list, also for usefulness.

JXPheonix commented 11 years ago

I think I've found the problem! Fixing now.

gluxon commented 11 years ago


JXPheonix commented 11 years ago

I'll issue another PR to fix this. It has to be merged again.