The attached file contains the first version of the complete conversion of the 3 files :
Its important to check the error and warning log in the root level. Errors will either lead to abortion for the entire file or a single line. Warnings can be caused if for a protein no Ensemble ID was found, or the provided terms (taxon, anatomy, proteins) have the incorrect notation. Warnings should be fixed long term by providing correct mapping files. Errors need to fix right now.
I run it with the old presubmission tool. It still has the error related to the file format:
FATAL: Term 'data:3021' has no name: aborting, please check integrity of 'file_format' reference file(s).
That needs to be fixed or the program will not finish.
The attached file contains the first version of the complete conversion of the 3 files :
Its important to check the error and warning log in the root level. Errors will either lead to abortion for the entire file or a single line. Warnings can be caused if for a protein no Ensemble ID was found, or the provided terms (taxon, anatomy, proteins) have the incorrect notation. Warnings should be fixed long term by providing correct mapping files. Errors need to fix right now.
I run it with the old presubmission tool. It still has the error related to the file format: FATAL: Term 'data:3021' has no name: aborting, please check integrity of 'file_format' reference file(s).
That needs to be fixed or the program will not finish.