glyph / Pomodouroboros

Pomodoro timer that acknowledges the inexorable, infinite passage of time
MIT License
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make the nexus score legible to the user without using flashing text #51

Open glyph opened 9 months ago

glyph commented 9 months ago


  1. the bright portion is the number of points we are about to lose, if we don't start or continue a streak while being prompted darker portion is points already lost in this manner
  2. our current score, calculated as (points / (ideal-points)) * factor, where "factor" defaults to 2.5, but may need to be tuned
  3. the denominator here is the retrospective ideal score for the current session — how well we could have done if we had executed perfectly from the beginning of the current session to the end of the current session rather than from the current time to the end of the current session
  4. time elapsed in current interval
  5. time remaining in current interval
  6. current streak length (it would be good to make this discrete, with visibly separated segments, since it is visualizing a small number)
  7. max streak length

Let's break this down: