glzr-io / glazewm

GlazeWM is a tiling window manager for Windows inspired by i3wm.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Unexpected overflow notification window behavior #486

Open AnthonyCalandra opened 9 months ago

AnthonyCalandra commented 9 months ago

Hi there,

Wondering if anybody else has ran into this issue before and came up with a solution. Most of the time* when I click the expander in the system tray, the overflow window spawns on the top left corner of my window. Strangely, when I click on a system tray icon such as volume, its window spawns on the very top right corner.

*Sometimes, and I mean very rarely, it appears in the default/correct place, as if Glaze isn't running.

Click expander: image

The overflow notifications window appears in the top left corner: image

Here's the class hierarchy in Spy++: image

I've tried setting these to be ignored in my config (with various attempts) but nothing changes.

I'm thinking this might not even be detected by Glaze since I don't see any messages when I run the app in the terminal when I open the overflow notifications window.



Gap between adjacent windows.

inner_gap: "10px"

Gap between windows and the screen edge.

Should match padding of bar components.

outer_gap: "0 10px 0 10px"

Highlight active/inactive windows with a colored border.

** Exclusive to Windows 11 due to API limitations.

focus_borders: active: enabled: true color: "#FFD866"

inactive: enabled: false color: "#ff0000"

bar: height: "30px" position: "top" opacity: 1.0 background: "#2D2A2E00" foreground: "#FCFCFAFF" font_family: "CaskadyiaCove Nerd Font" font_size: "14px"

Left/right padding should match gaps.

padding: "4px 10px" offset_x: "0" offset_y: "0" border_radius: "0" components_left:



Task Manager requires admin privileges to manage and should be ignored unless running

the WM as admin.



Shift focus in a given direction.

dinesh-58 commented 6 months ago

happens sometimes to me