gmag11 / ESPNtpClient

High accuracy NTP library for ESP32 and ESP8266
MIT License
118 stars 25 forks source link

Crash on ESP8266 #46

Open cpainchaud opened 1 year ago

cpainchaud commented 1 year ago


Your code works like a charm on ESP32 (except if you try to do a network connection like MQTT client during NTP update, you get a deadlock forever). Yet on ESP8266 I get crashes immediatly:

`First WiFi connection established, starting NTP NTP started

Crash stack trace: 0x4022d1f7 in esp_try_delay(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x401013fc in malloc at ??:? 0x402682f5 in cnx_update_bss_more at ??:? 0x4021932e in _ZL14hostByNameImplPKcR9IPAddressj14DNSResolveType$part$0 at ESP8266WiFiGeneric.cpp:? 0x4023423c in std::uniq_ptr_impl<WiFiClient, std::default_delete >::reset(WiFiClient) at ??:? 0x402195c8 in ESP8266WiFiGenericClass::hostByName(char const, IPAddress&) at ??:? 0x4021d48a in NTPClient::getTime() at ??:? 0x4010653d in ets_timer_arm_new at ??:? 0x401063f9 in ets_timer_disarm at ??:? 0x40266a33 in sta_input at ??:? 0x4022cfe2 in loop_task(ETSEventTag) at core_esp8266_main.cpp:? 0x4027fef2 in wifi_get_opmode at ??:? 0x402810d7 in wifi_station_get_connect_status at ??:? 0x40100a49 in millis at ??:? 0x40219dfc in ESP8266WiFiSTAClass::status() at ??:? 0x4021d6e4 in NTPClient::s_getTimeloop(void) at ??:? 0x4027c5de in esf_buf_recycle at ??:? 0x40100a49 in millis at ??:? 0x402328ec in std::detail::variant::gen_vtable_impl<std::detail::variant::_Multi_array<std::detail::variant::deduce_visit_result (*)(Ticker::_static_callback()::{lambda(auto:1&&)#1}&&, std::variant<std::monosta te, Ticker::callback_ptr_t, std::function<void ()> >&)>, std::integer_sequence<unsigned int, 1u> >::visit_invoke(Ticker::_static_callback()::{lambda(auto:1&&)#1}, std::variant<std::monostate, Ticker::callback_ptr_t, std::function< void ()> >) at Ticker.cpp:? 0x4026639e in sta_input at ??:? 0x4021c4e0 in Ticker::_static_callback() at ??:? 0x40246300 in sys_check_timeouts at /local/users/gauchard/arduino/arduino_esp8266/origin/tools/sdk/lwip2/builder/lwip2-src/src/core/timeouts.c:368 0x4027e63c in ets_timer_handler_isr at ??:? 0x4021c518 in Ticker::_attach(std::chrono::duration<unsigned int, std::ratio<1ll, 1000ll> >, bool)::{lambda(void)#1}::_FUN(void) at Ticker.cpp:? 0x4027e649 in ets_timer_handler_isr at ??:? 0x4027e68e in ets_timer_handler_isr at ??:? 0x4022cfe5 in loop_task(ETSEventTag) at core_esp8266_main.cpp:? 0x40105c61 in call_user_start_local at ??:? 0x40105c67 in call_user_start_local at ??:? 0x4010139c in umm_init at ??:? 0x4010000d in call_user_start at ??:? 0x401000ac in app_entry_redefinable at ??:? 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40100486 in __wrap_spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40228eac in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x40228f39 in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40228f39 in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x402398e4 in _strtoul_r at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdlib/strtoul.c:196 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x4023ec4a in _scanf_i at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/nano-vfscanf_i.c:218 0x402398dc in _strtoul_r at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdlib/strtoul.c:194 0x40228f39 in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x4023e8b0 in ssvfscanf_r at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/nano-vfscanf.c:412 (discriminator 1) 0x40100030 in _KernelExceptionVector at ??:? 0x4022d108 in yield at ??:? 0x4022e061 in flash_hal_read at ??:? 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40100486 in wrap_spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40228eac in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x40106fb4 in spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40228f39 in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x40100486 in __wrap_spi_flash_read at ??:? 0x40228eac in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x4027aba2 in pp_attach at ??:? 0x40228f39 in EspClass::flashRead(unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned int) at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x401028cc in pp_post at ??:? 0x40279c5f in ppTxPkt at ??:? 0x402636e7 in ieee80211_send_probereq at ??:? 0x40265523 in scan_remove_probe_ssid at ??:? 0x402650f4 in scan_start at ??:? 0x40267764 in cnx_start_handoff_cb at ??:? 0x4010653d in ets_timer_arm_new at ??:? 0x4023e43c in _sungetc_r at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/nano-vfscanf.c:183 0x4023e4d0 in __ssrefill_r at /workdir/repo/newlib/newlib/libc/stdio/nano-vfscanf.c:230 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x401028cc in pp_post at ??:? 0x40105b5f in lmacRxDone at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x40103453 in rcReachRetryLimit at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x40103630 in rcReachRetryLimit at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x40103aea in wDev_ProcessFiq at ??:? 0x4010380c in wDev_ProcessFiq at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x401063f9 in ets_timer_disarm at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x40100a49 in millis at ??:? 0x4022e628 in uart_rx_available at ??:? 0x4022e46d in _gettimeofday_r at ??:? 0x4022e480 in _gettimeofday_r at ??:? 0x4022e449 in _gettimeofday_r at ??:? 0x40218776 in RFLink::mainLoop() at ??:? 0x40100420 in ets_post at ??:? 0x40100441 in esp_schedule at ??:? 0x4022d296 in loop_wrapper() at core_esp8266_main.cpp:? `

More context: using Platform IO with SDK espressif8266@4.1.0 (fairly new?)