gmamaladze / globalmousekeyhook

This library allows you to tap keyboard and mouse, detect and record their activity even when an application is inactive and runs in background.
MIT License
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.net core compatibility #98

Open hrkrx opened 6 years ago

hrkrx commented 6 years ago

I stumbled upon this project via the old code project ( and i made it work in .net core

Basically i made a very simple MessageLoop in a seperate Thread where the globalhook is called from.

The benefits in my opinion are that it removes many all of the required dependencies on Forms/WPF for the hooks to work.

I didn't dive in this git deep yet, but if there is interest i could help to improve the library.

This could also make it easier to port it to Linux/Mac

zaafar commented 5 years ago

@hrkrx Is there an example program on how to use it in .net core framework?

ge-xin commented 5 years ago

I really doubt on the idea of using it in .NET Core. Because I noticed some Win32 API calls in this project... I don't think Win32 APIs would work in Mac OS and Linux...

hrkrx commented 5 years ago

@zaafar basically i removed all Forms/WPF dependencies and fixed all errors by implementing a MessageLoop and the enums for the interaction codes (eg. some number => some KeyPress)

@ge-xin i actually have a prototype working on Linux which detects the OS and if on Windows uses the Win32 API calls and if not tries to open the special devices file in /dev/input... but it still is a prototype so it has issues like it only supports keyboard input for now

zaafar commented 5 years ago

Hi @hrkrx , thank you for the reply. I tried using your fork of the library to hook into the global keyboard/mouse events but failed. Basically, I created a new .NET Core 2.1 Console Application project with following code in it. Let me know what I did wrong.

    using FormsReplacementLib;
    using Gma.System.MouseKeyHook;
    using System;
    using System.Threading;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            Hook.GlobalEvents().MouseClick += Hook_MouseClick;
            Console.WriteLine("Bye World!.");
            -> Application.Run(new ApplicationContext());

        private static void Hook_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine($"{e.X}, {e.Y}");

EDIT: I am using windows10 x64.

EDIT2: Updated the code, now I need to understand how can I do Application.Run(new ApplicationContext()); in .NET Core?

hrkrx commented 5 years ago

@zaafar the code in my Fork is a bit older, i will update this in the next few days and then i'll add some example code here

zaafar commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Looking forward to the example.

magol commented 5 years ago

Excellent work. I hope you reach the goal of this work.

tebjan commented 5 years ago

@hrkrx did you update already? i would also be interested in seeing the latest code.

imukai commented 4 years ago

@hrkrx has it been a few days yet? Going on 11 months... was curious about the .core implementation of this as well as the others.

Meetsch commented 4 years ago

@hrkrx Could you update your fork to provide to latest code for GlobalMouseKeyHook .NET Core compatibility?