gmarcais / Jellyfish

A fast multi-threaded k-mer counter
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Compile error on 2.3.0 #159

Closed sjaenick closed 4 years ago

sjaenick commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

attempting to build Jellyfish 2.3.0 from source on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, build fails:

$ autoreconf -vif
$ ./configure
[output omitted]
$ make
make: *** No rule to make target 'false', needed by 'sub_commands/count_main_cmdline.hpp'.  Stop.

Any hints?

gmarcais commented 4 years ago

You should download the source release tarball jellyfish-2.3.0.tar.gz and compile from that. You don't need to run autoreconf, only ./configure && make && make install.

I you install from the Github development tree instead of the release tar ball, then you need to have yaggo in your path.

This is explained in the Installation instructions.

guerreromanuel commented 1 year ago

This problem still happens if you do "make distclean" and then try to configure and make again.