gmarcais / Jellyfish

A fast multi-threaded k-mer counter
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Dramatic output difference between version 2.2.10 and 2.3.0 #197

Open sNO0By opened 1 year ago

sNO0By commented 1 year ago

My attempt is to count k-mer in T2T_v1.1 genome, which is supposed to be 3 billion bp in length. At first, I used jellyfish 2.2.10 to count 2-mers. However, the result (partly) is as follows: >19688679 AA >62474176 AC >7400287 AG I then realized the numbers sum up(less than 1 billion) is far from either 3 billion or 2x3=6 billion, and I used 2.3.0 to check the situation. Results are as follows: >297813223 AA >152313792 AC >209422175 AG This time, the numbers sum up is near 3 billion. You can see how different these outputs are. I am confused at it.