gmayday1997 / SceneChangeDet

pytorch implementation of scene change detection
MIT License
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Hi,can you tell me where figure 3 is in your paper? #1

Closed Eric-Zhang1990 closed 5 years ago

Eric-Zhang1990 commented 5 years ago

@gmayday1997 I am reading your paper scene change detection, however, I can't find figure 3 (CosimNet (shown in Figure 3)) in your paper, can you send your whole paper for me? Thanks.

gmayday1997 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your interest in our work. The paper submitted on arxiv is not the final version, we will update in this week.

gmayday1997 commented 5 years ago

@Eric-Zhang1990 hi, our paper has been updated, please check it following this link