gmazzamuto / europasscv

Unofficial LaTeX class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
116 stars 37 forks source link

commands for typesetting letter undefined on recent TexLive? #63

Closed wiebkejahr closed 3 years ago

wiebkejahr commented 3 years ago

My setup: pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) kpathsea version 6.3.2

Running the following code pops an Undefined control sequence. \eclpersonalinfo error for all the commands starting with \ecl.

Actual CV is typeset just fine.

\documentclass[english, a4paper, 10pt, narrow]{europasscv}

\ecvname{Deer John}
\ecvmobile{(+1) 234 567 89}

\ecvdateofbirth{Dec 24 1980}


        % BEGIN COVER LETTER =============


        \ecladdressee{Contact person}{Name of organization}{Address of organization}{City}

        \eclcitydatesubject{City}{\today}{Subject of this cover letter}

        \eclopeningsalutation{Dear Sir}
        {Opening salutation.\bigskip}

        {This is the main content.}

        {Closing salutation.}

        \eclclosingsalutation{Yours sincerely}

        %     \eclsignature[signature.jpg][Dr. Katie Smith (custom signature)]


        % BEGIN CV =============


        \ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{Manager of bits and bubbles}

        \ecvtitle{Jul 2017--present}{PhD candidate}
        \ecvitem{}{University of Springfield, USA}
                \item description of mostly tedious tasks

        \ecvitem{}{University of Springfield, USA}


gmazzamuto commented 3 years ago

Most probably you are using an older version of europasscv. The cover letter was added only in the latest 2020-10-31 version, which is now in TexLive 2020. You probably just need to update the package. (TexLive 2020 is now frozen, and the repository might not work anymore: you need to either use the final repository or, even better, upgrade to TexLive 2021).