Today I recompiled my CV and there were error messages about the fonts, which did not allow a successful compilation.
I needed to have TeX Gyre Heros on my computer, even though I was using another font. I downloaded the two TeX Gyre Heros files from a depository (and also from our Polish friends the .otf files for Heros), which solved the problem.
Great package.
Today I recompiled my CV and there were error messages about the fonts, which did not allow a successful compilation.
I needed to have TeX Gyre Heros on my computer, even though I was using another font. I downloaded the two TeX Gyre Heros files from a depository (and also from our Polish friends the .otf files for Heros), which solved the problem.
\usepackage{amsmath%,amsfonts }
\defaultfontfeatures[ \rmfamily,\sffamily,\ttfamily ]{Ligatures=TeX, Numbers=Lining, Scale=MatchLowercase }
\setmainfont{STIXTwoText}[ Extension = {.otf}, Scale = MatchLowercase, UprightFont = {-Regular}, BoldFont = {-SemiBold}, ItalicFont = {-Italic}, BoldItalicFont = {-SemiBoldItalic} ]
\setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular}[ Extension = {.otf}, Scale=MatchLowercase, bold-style = upright, math-style = TeX, partial = upright, ]`