gmazzamuto / ng2-google-charts

Angular Google Charts module
MIT License
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How to use mapsApiKey? #126

Closed arthurangelo closed 4 years ago

arthurangelo commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm generating the graph like this:

{ chartType: 'GeoChart', dataTable: [['Estado','Total'],'BR-AC',1] options: { region: 'BR', // regiao do brazil resolution: 'provinces', colorAxis: { colors: ['#FFD36B', '#FABB5C', '#F5A34C', '#F08B3D', '#EC742E', '#E75C1F', '#E2440F', '#DD2C00'] }, // cor do grafico vai de laranja para vermelho backgroundColor: '#81d4fa', // cor do mar em volta do continente datalessRegionColor: '#c6dabf', // cor dos paises em volta do brasil defaultColor: '#f5f5f5', legend: 'none', geochartVersion: 11 }, mapsApiKey: 'xxx',


What is the correct way to send mapsApiKey? I have the following error: eocoding Service: You must use an API key to authenticate each request to Google Maps Platform APIs. For additional information, please refer to

gmazzamuto commented 4 years ago

Please see line 4 in the first block of code in this page: