gmberton / EigenPlaces

Official code for ICCV 2023 paper "EigenPlaces: Training Viewpoint Robust Models for Visual Place Recognition"
MIT License
109 stars 4 forks source link

Reproduction Issue #11

Closed kya0a closed 5 months ago

kya0a commented 5 months ago

Hello, there is a significant discrepancy between my experimental results and the results in the paper. Could you please tell me what might be the reason? Here is my info.log file.

2024-05-13 20:21:19 --backbone ResNet50 --fc_output_dim 2048 --train_dataset_folder /media/a8/Lenovo/processed/train --val_dataset_folder /media/a8/Lenovo/processed/val --test_dataset_folder /home/a8/shr/processed/test 2024-05-13 20:21:19 Arguments: Namespace(M=15, N=3, focal_dist=10, s=100, m=0.4, lambda_lat=1.0, lambda_front=1.0, groups_num=9, min_images_per_class=5, backbone='ResNet50', fc_output_dim=2048, batch_size=32, epochs_num=40, iterations_per_epoch=5000, lr=1e-05, classifiers_lr=0.01, brightness=0.7, contrast=0.7, hue=0.5, saturation=0.7, random_resized_crop=0.5, infer_batch_size=16, positive_dist_threshold=25, resume_train=None, resume_model=None, device='cuda', seed=0, num_workers=8, visualize_classes=0, train_dataset_folder='/media/a8/Lenovo/processed/train', val_dataset_folder='/media/a8/Lenovo/processed/val', test_dataset_folder='/home/a8/shr/processed/test', save_dir='default') 2024-05-13 20:21:19 The outputs are being saved in logs/default/2024-05-13_20-21-19 2024-05-13 20:21:19 Loading pretrained backbone's weights from CosPlace 2024-05-13 20:21:21 There are 1 GPUs and 24 CPUs. 2024-05-13 20:21:21 Using cached dataset cache/sfxl_M15_N3_mipc5.torch 2024-05-13 20:21:23 Using cached dataset cache/sfxl_M15_N3_mipc5.torch 2024-05-13 20:21:56 Using 18 groups 2024-05-13 20:21:56 The 18 groups have respectively the following number of classes [5559, 5559, 5613, 5613, 5580, 5580, 5576, 5576, 5728, 5728, 5692, 5692, 5751, 5751, 5639, 5639, 5768, 5768] 2024-05-13 20:21:56 The 18 groups have respectively the following number of images [617004, 617004, 604080, 604080, 600354, 600354, 612192, 612192, 637020, 637020, 633294, 633294, 642618, 642618, 625716, 625716, 635142, 635142] 2024-05-13 20:21:56 There are 5559 classes for the first group, each epoch has 5000 iterations with batch_size 32, therefore the model sees each class (on average) 28.8 times per epoch 2024-05-13 20:21:56 Validation set: < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 > 2024-05-13 20:21:56 Start training ... 2024-05-13 20:42:59 Epoch 00 in 0:21:03, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 89.7, R@5: 94.3, R@10: 95.6, R@20: 96.6 2024-05-13 21:04:09 Epoch 01 in 0:21:08, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 91.3, R@5: 95.4, R@10: 96.5, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-13 21:24:27 Epoch 02 in 0:20:17, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 91.9, R@5: 95.5, R@10: 96.5, R@20: 97.4 2024-05-13 21:44:22 Epoch 03 in 0:19:53, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 91.7, R@5: 95.3, R@10: 96.4, R@20: 97.2 2024-05-13 22:05:40 Epoch 04 in 0:21:16, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.2, R@5: 95.5, R@10: 96.4, R@20: 97.2 2024-05-13 22:25:11 Epoch 05 in 0:19:29, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 91.0, R@5: 94.5, R@10: 95.5, R@20: 96.4 2024-05-13 22:45:52 Epoch 06 in 0:20:38, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.3, R@5: 95.7, R@10: 96.5, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-13 23:05:01 Epoch 07 in 0:19:07, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.6, R@5: 95.7, R@10: 96.6, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-13 23:24:07 Epoch 08 in 0:19:03, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 91.9, R@5: 95.3, R@10: 96.2, R@20: 96.9 2024-05-13 23:44:35 Epoch 09 in 0:20:25, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.1, R@5: 96.3, R@10: 97.1, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 00:03:49 Epoch 10 in 0:19:11, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.9, R@5: 96.2, R@10: 97.0, R@20: 97.6 2024-05-14 00:23:17 Epoch 11 in 0:19:25, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.6, R@5: 95.8, R@10: 96.5, R@20: 97.4 2024-05-14 00:42:33 Epoch 12 in 0:19:14, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.1, R@5: 96.1, R@10: 96.9, R@20: 97.5 2024-05-14 01:02:14 Epoch 13 in 0:19:39, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.1, R@5: 95.2, R@10: 96.0, R@20: 96.8 2024-05-14 01:21:32 Epoch 14 in 0:19:15, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.5, R@5: 95.6, R@10: 96.3, R@20: 97.0 2024-05-14 01:40:48 Epoch 15 in 0:19:14, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.6, R@5: 95.6, R@10: 96.4, R@20: 97.1 2024-05-14 01:59:58 Epoch 16 in 0:19:07, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.9, R@5: 95.9, R@10: 96.7, R@20: 97.4 2024-05-14 02:19:55 Epoch 17 in 0:19:55, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.0, R@5: 96.0, R@10: 96.8, R@20: 97.6 2024-05-14 02:39:50 Epoch 18 in 0:19:53, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.3, R@5: 96.2, R@10: 97.1, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 02:59:27 Epoch 19 in 0:19:34, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.3, R@5: 96.2, R@10: 97.0, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 03:19:08 Epoch 20 in 0:19:39, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.5, R@10: 97.2, R@20: 97.8 2024-05-14 03:38:44 Epoch 21 in 0:19:33, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.7, R@5: 95.8, R@10: 96.6, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-14 03:58:03 Epoch 22 in 0:19:16, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.3, R@5: 96.0, R@10: 96.7, R@20: 97.4 2024-05-14 04:17:26 Epoch 23 in 0:19:20, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.6, R@5: 95.5, R@10: 96.3, R@20: 97.0 2024-05-14 04:36:47 Epoch 24 in 0:19:19, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 92.9, R@5: 95.7, R@10: 96.6, R@20: 97.2 2024-05-14 04:56:09 Epoch 25 in 0:19:19, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.0, R@5: 95.9, R@10: 96.7, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-14 05:15:37 Epoch 26 in 0:19:26, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.7, R@5: 96.5, R@10: 97.2, R@20: 97.9 2024-05-14 05:35:16 Epoch 27 in 0:19:35, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.6, R@10: 97.3, R@20: 97.8 2024-05-14 05:55:24 Epoch 28 in 0:20:06, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.6, R@5: 96.6, R@10: 97.2, R@20: 97.9 2024-05-14 06:14:41 Epoch 29 in 0:19:14, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.3, R@10: 97.0, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 06:33:59 Epoch 30 in 0:19:15, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.5, R@10: 97.1, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 06:54:43 Epoch 31 in 0:20:42, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.3, R@5: 96.1, R@10: 96.8, R@20: 97.4 2024-05-14 07:14:21 Epoch 32 in 0:19:36, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.0, R@5: 95.9, R@10: 96.5, R@20: 97.3 2024-05-14 07:33:33 Epoch 33 in 0:19:09, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.4, R@10: 97.2, R@20: 97.7 2024-05-14 07:52:48 Epoch 34 in 0:19:12, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.5, R@5: 96.3, R@10: 97.1, R@20: 97.8 2024-05-14 08:12:11 Epoch 35 in 0:19:21, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.3, R@5: 96.1, R@10: 96.9, R@20: 97.5 2024-05-14 08:32:18 Epoch 36 in 0:20:04, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 94.3, R@5: 96.8, R@10: 97.5, R@20: 98.0 2024-05-14 08:51:38 Epoch 37 in 0:19:17, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 94.4, R@5: 96.9, R@10: 97.5, R@20: 98.2 2024-05-14 09:11:38 Epoch 38 in 0:19:57, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 93.4, R@5: 96.2, R@10: 97.1, R@20: 97.6 2024-05-14 09:33:02 Epoch 39 in 0:21:22, < val - #q: 7983; #db: 8015 >: R@1: 94.4, R@5: 96.8, R@10: 97.4, R@20: 97.8 2024-05-14 09:33:04 Trained for 40 epochs, in total in 13:11:44

2024-05-14 11:40:58 --backbone ResNet50 --fc_output_dim 2048 --test_dataset_folder /home/a8/shr/processed/test --resume_model /home/a8/shr/EigenPlaces-main/logs/default/2024-05-13_20-21-19/best_model.pth 2024-05-14 11:40:58 Arguments: Namespace(M=15, N=3, focal_dist=10, s=100, m=0.4, lambda_lat=1.0, lambda_front=1.0, groups_num=9, min_images_per_class=5, backbone='ResNet50', fc_output_dim=2048, batch_size=32, epochs_num=40, iterations_per_epoch=5000, lr=1e-05, classifiers_lr=0.01, brightness=0.7, contrast=0.7, hue=0.5, saturation=0.7, random_resized_crop=0.5, infer_batch_size=16, positive_dist_threshold=25, resume_train=None, resume_model='/home/a8/shr/EigenPlaces-main/logs/default/2024-05-13_20-21-19/best_model.pth', device='cuda', seed=0, num_workers=8, visualize_classes=0, train_dataset_folder=None, val_dataset_folder=None, test_dataset_folder='/home/a8/shr/processed/test', save_dir='default') 2024-05-14 11:40:58 The outputs are being saved in logs/default/2024-05-1411-40-58 2024-05-14 11:40:58 There are 1 GPUs and 24 CPUs. 2024-05-14 11:40:58 Loading pretrained backbone's weights from CosPlace 2024-05-14 11:41:35 Loading model from /home/a8/shr/EigenPlaces-main/logs/default/2024-05-13_20-21-19/best_model.pth 2024-05-14 13:34:52 < test - #q: 1000; #db: 2805840 >: R@1: 71.4, R@5: 78.2, R@10: 80.6, R@20: 83.5

ga1i13o commented 5 months ago

Hi, if you test on other datasets, are you able to reproduce our results? try also to test on queries v1 using our pretrained model (you can do so by simply specifying "--resume_model torchhub"

Check also the resolution of the queries. They should have the shorter side of 480 pixels. I think in some older release of the dataset they were not resized

let us know if this solves your issue

kya0a commented 5 months ago

Hi, if you test on other datasets, are you able to reproduce our results? try also to test on queries v1 using our pretrained model (you can do so by simply specifying "--resume_model torchhub"

Check also the resolution of the queries. They should have the shorter side of 480 pixels. I think in some older release of the dataset they were not resized

let us know if this solves your issue

Hello, I have used your pre-trained model to perform tests on V1, and the results are consistent with the paper. The shortest side of the test images is 480 pixels.

ga1i13o commented 5 months ago

I think your issue is due to the fact that you are using the train/processed version of the dataset, which was the downsampled version of the dataset used to train CosPlace. You should pass --train_dataset_folder path/to/sf_xl/raw/train/panoramas, which uses the raw version with all panoramas that will be automatically cropped.