gmberton / MeshVPR

Visual Place Recognition using 3D Meshes
MIT License
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Closed bchidlovskii closed 3 months ago

bchidlovskii commented 3 months ago

Hi, Thank you for the great code and datasets ! However, it seems rsync can not connect to host to download the dataset sample. Thank you

gmberton commented 3 months ago

Hi, can you share a screenshot of your terminal so that I can see what the problem is? I am able to download the dataset simply like this, also on servers on different continents. rsync -rhz --info=progress2 --ignore-existing rsync:// .

bchidlovskii commented 3 months ago

Hi, Thank for the quick answer. Here is the screenshot.


The same for nc: (base) [chidlovs@sensei ~]$ nc -zv 22 Ncat: Version 7.70 ( ) Ncat: Connection timed out.

We have a firewall but from our server we can http/ssh/rsync . You have mentioned remote servers, does any of them set a firewall ? Thank you PS> I ll check on out side as well

bchidlovskii commented 3 months ago

After verification, the problem was on our side, with rsync parameters . Sorry for misleading message. and thank you again

gmberton commented 3 months ago

No worries, I hope MeshVPR can be helpful for your goals :)