gmdsi / GMDSI_notebooks

python-based predictive groundwater modeling workflow examples
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Future Ideas #60

Open mnfienen opened 1 year ago

mnfienen commented 1 year ago

Guys - I'm now in branch mike_review2 in my fork --- sorry, long sad tail.

Jotting down ideas for future stuff here, mostly for part2:

  1. Prior Monte Carlo - I like the idea of using the prior MC results either to trim sampling range based on quantiles (e.g. Neversink) or completely removing rejected realizations and doing a hotstart. Perhaps an alternative notebook between MC and iES
  2. Also, thinking a little more discussion of the importance of the prior for iES in particular
  3. Spectral Simulation - more about this would be rad
  4. obs and weights - show differential weighting of PHI components and the use of a separate variance for noise obs
  5. localization - should we incorporate some of JP's findings about the tradeoffs between sample size and localization? D'OH! I see this is mentioned already. Missed on the first round
  6. Prior MC and localization notebooks - it seems like the prior with and without FOSM looks really similar. Not a huge advantage to the FOSM sampling. Similarly, the parameter changes prior to localization look very minimal. Wondering if it's because I ran the larger ensemble in the part 1 ies nb?
  7. Should we incorporate a notebook on cloud computing? HTCondor? etc. for industrial strength runs?
  8. For DA - we should probably make a version with the MF6 API....