gmegan / specification

OpenSHMEM Application Programming Interface
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Resolve context-team interaction issues #28

Closed nspark closed 5 years ago

nspark commented 5 years ago

The current draft of the teams proposal puts the PE team inside the communication context and allows for the reassignment of teams to contexts. This issue is meant to detail the proposed model and potential alternatives and capture feedback or issues with any of these models as well as other interactions between teams and contexts.

Potential models for interaction

  1. Teams in Contexts
  2. Contexts in Teams
  3. Teams use SHMEM_CTX_DEFAULT
  4. Contexts from Teams

Teams in Contexts

Potential advantages

Disadvantages or concerns

Contexts in Teams

Potential advantages

Disadvantages or concerns

Teams use SHMEM_CTX_DEFAULT ("Plan B")

Disadvantages or concerns

Context from Teams (updated 7/23)

Use Model

Potential advantages

Disadvantages or concerns

Open questions + design points

nspark commented 5 years ago

On yesterday's Teams WG call, we discussed adding a configuration structure and associated argument to specify the use of the team. This post is intended to continue the discussion about the fields in such a configuration structure; please pick the following apart and share your thoughts.

typedef struct {
  int disable_collectives;  // zero for default behavior (collectives supported);
                            // nonzero to disable collective support

  int return_local_limit;   // zero indicates library should return (to all PEs) the
                            // constraining value across all PEs (e.g., MIN-reduce);
                            // nonzero indicates library should return the constraining
                            // value of the calling PE

  int num_threads;          // # of threads that may create contexts
} shmem_team_config_t;

// The `config` argument is an input and output, and the function returns a
// status code indicating whether team creation was successful. Specifically:
//   - On input, `config` specifies the resource and behavioral requirements of
//     the team that is to be created.
//   - If the team is created successfully, the function returns zero and `config`
//     is not modified.
//   - If the team is not created successfully, the function returns a nonzero value
//     and `config` is modified to return the locally or globally constraining
//     values, as determined by `config->return_local_limit`.

int shmem_team_split_strided(shmem_team_t parent_team,
                             int PE_start, int PE_stride, int PE_size,
                             shmem_team_config_t *config, shmem_team_t *new_team);

Toy example:

int max_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
shmem_team_config_t config = { .num_threads = max_threads };
shmem_team_t team;
while (shmem_team_split_strided(SHMEM_TEAM_WORLD, /* ... */,
                                &config, &team)) {
  // Requested too many threads; loop until that is not a constraint.
  if (config.num_threads == 0)
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(config.num_threads)
  shmem_ctx_t ctx;
  shmem_team_create_ctx(team, 0, &ctx);
  // ...
shamisp commented 5 years ago

For backward/forward compatibility reasons you want to add something like:

enum shmem_team_config_field {
    SHMEM_NUM_THREADS = 1 << 2

int shmem_team_split_strided(shmem_team_t parent_team,
                             int PE_start, int PE_stride, int PE_size,
                             shmem_team_config_t *config, shmem_team_config_field_t field, shmem_team_t *new_team);

Related example:

nspark commented 5 years ago

@shamisp I think that's a fair feature to consider. I'd generally like to make sure that a static-initialized shmem_team_config_t structure provides the "default" settings for team creation. That way, an initializer like:

shmem_team_config_t config = { .num_threads = max_threads };

would set num_threads as specified and imply the default for everything else. This would imply that a field mask as part of the structure itself would need to be interpreted with zero as a special value meaning "use all the fields".

I would expect that such a default setting would include (1) collectives are enabled (i.e., disable_collectives == 0) and (2) the globally-constraining limit is returned on team-creation failure (i.e., return_local_limit == 0), though I'm not sure what the interpretation of num_threads == 0 should be. Ideally, I think the implementation would inspect the CPU mask and interpret num_threads as the current number of threads in the CPU mask. Unfortunately, functions like sched_getaffinity and CPU_COUNT are glibc extensions for Linux; not exactly portable, though BSD and OS X have similar capabilities.

nspark commented 5 years ago

Draft PDF as of 62feca0 to close this issue (PR #35)

nspark commented 5 years ago

Draft PDF as of a91ed96

RaymondMichael commented 5 years ago

When it comes to whether delete is collective or not, I have no strong opinion. That said, libpsm2's endpoint shutdown code runs a lot faster when everyone is shutting down their endpoints at the same time. This may be true of other interconnects as well.

nspark commented 5 years ago

Some TODO items (or, at least, suggestions) from today's discussion:

shamisp commented 5 years ago

TODO, from my list: shmem_team_get_config -> change return code from void to int. Potentially user may pass invalid value and function fail.

split functions - provide an option to use "parent" resources instead of allocating new resources

gmegan commented 5 years ago

Current up to date pdf for this issue: main_spec.pdf

gmegan commented 5 years ago

Closing this since the solution has stood for a while. We can reopen this or create new issue if this solution is rejected.