gmeks / myUplinkSmartConnect

This program connect to the and adjust the schedule of Høiax CONNECTED hot water heaters, and adjust the schedule so that it uses electricity when the price is low.
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Failed request against entsoe API, with status code: Forbidden #6

Closed simonepittis closed 1 year ago

simonepittis commented 1 year ago


using the docker (erlingsaeterdal/myuplinksmartconnect) all works ok but not the Scheduler/Price push:


Running the last version.


gmeks commented 1 year ago

Do you get this every time?

Its normaly not a big issue, i have buildt inn the ability to check 3 seperate APIs. So if one fails, it uses another one.

simonepittis commented 1 year ago

yes... it worked last month, but then I just got this error. the schedule is never changed, it only did it once. In the docker do you have a log? I can collect it and share it

gmeks commented 1 year ago

Set ConsoleLogLevel to Debug, and pipe or attach to the console. Or you can set MQTTLogLevel .

simonepittis commented 1 year ago

Ok... I put it monitoring. when I have more data I'll push it. Thanks :-)

simonepittis commented 1 year ago

The scheduler now works after pruning the docker container and reinstalling it, but the API error remains.

gmeks commented 1 year ago

What does the debug logs show?

You can try to use just to see if they blocked you? Since i dont have any telemetri i dont actualy know how many have this installed, we might have hit the entsoe api limits.

gmeks commented 1 year ago

I see i got it once in my house also, i will also enable debug logs. Im in the middle of moving houses, so my time is limited. Atm this should just means it fails against entsoe, and then trys nordpool.

So it should not be critical

simonepittis commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the delay... busy me too :-) this is the log output:

[16:15:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - CurrentTemprature - 54.4 [16:16:18 DBG] Next status update in 1.00000162 should update now True [16:16:18 DBG] Found 1 devices, will attemt to check for status updates [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - EnergiStored - 11.96 [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - EnergyTotal - 143.3 [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - EstimatedPower - 0 [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - FillLevel - 100 [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - TargetTemprature - 60 [16:16:18 DBG] Sending update XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - CurrentTemprature - 54.4 [16:17:18 DBG] Last schedule was 24.005051879611113 hours ago and above minimum hour for schedule start True [16:17:18 WRN] Failed request against entsoe API, with status code: Forbidden [16:17:20 DBG] Using MyUplinkSmartConnect.ExternalPrice.Nordpoolgroup price list [16:17:20 INF] Found device with ID: HOIAX_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx [16:17:20 DBG] Should try to find schedule for legionella program

simonepittis commented 1 year ago

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