Open alessando-guida opened 6 years ago
It's kind of complicated to solve. there are 2 filters applied: tumor_type and alterationType. If it's a alterationType problem, a warning should appear earlier, saying:
toBeBind <- object@dataSubset[alterationType]
checkDataExistance <- sapply(toBeBind , is.null)
warning("No data for" %++% paste(names(toBeBind)[checkDataExistance] , collapse=", ") %+% ". They will be removed from alterationType")
alterationType <- alterationType[!checkDataExistance]
The message you refer to can appear for 2 reasons:
In the second case... who is to blame? mutations? copynumber? fusions? I don't know... The only thing I can add is a summary of the sample size according to the intersection of the multi omics data maybe 🤔
When data one alteration type are missing from the TCGA, the package returns a generic message:
It would be more useful to specify what alteration data are missing. For example if fusion data are missing: