gmelodie / awesome-wordlists

A curated list wordlists for bruteforcing and fuzzing
Apache License 2.0
648 stars 111 forks source link

Add awesome-wordlists to sindresorhus/awesome #6

Open gmelodie opened 3 years ago

gmelodie commented 3 years ago

I'd love to have this repo listed on sindresorhus/awesome but the is just overly demanding (and I'm a lazy person when it comes to bureaucracy). I'd love if someone else could go over that and make sure we're awesome-conforming.

gmelodie commented 2 years ago

It seems we need to fix these things to pass linting. Honestly, I don't feel like submiting myself to this unecessary bs, but wouldn't mind if someone wants to give me a hand :)
  ✖   1:1    Missing file                                 remark-lint:awesome-contributing
  ✖   1:1    The repository should have "awesome" as a GitHub topic       remark-lint:awesome-github
  ✖   1:1    The repository should have "awesome-list" as a GitHub topic  remark-lint:awesome-github
  ✖   1:1    Missing or invalid Table of Contents                         remark-lint:awesome-toc
  ✖   5:3                   remark-lint:double-link
  ✖   5:57   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖   6:3                          remark-lint:double-link
  ✖   6:60   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖   9:84   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  10:74   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  11:92   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  12:94   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  13:104  List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  14:98   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  15:113  List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  18:108  List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  21:264  List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  22:111  List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  23:90   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  24:98   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  28:90   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  31:71   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  32:3                   remark-lint:double-link
  ✖  32:57   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  33:57   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  34:74   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  35:71   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  36:3                          remark-lint:double-link
  ✖  36:60   List item description must end with proper punctuation       remark-lint:awesome-list-item
  ✖  45:28   Should not repeat "!"                                        remark-lint:no-repeat-punctuation
gmelodie commented 1 month ago

The more I read the stupid rules in sindresorhus/awesome, the less I wanna submit for their bullshit. This repo belongs to me and to the people who help write it, and we should not be submitting to stupid guidelines like

No blockchain-related lists. The default branch should be named main, not master The repo name of your list should be in lowercase slug format: awesome-name-of-list. The repo should have awesome-list & awesome as GitHub topics. Does not contain items that are unmaintained, has archived repo, deprecated, or missing docs. If you really need to include such items, they should be in a separate Markdown file. Includes the Awesome badge Has a Table of Contents section. Should be named Contents, not Table of Contents. Should be the first section in the list. Should only have one level of nested lists, preferably none. Must not feature Contributing or Footnotes sections. All non-important but necessary content (like extra copyright notices, hyperlinks to sources, pointers to expansive content, etc) should be grouped in a Footnotes section at the bottom of the readme. The section should not be present in the Table of Contents. Does not include a CI (e.g. GitHub Actions) badge. You can still use a CI for linting, but the badge has no value in the readme. Does not include an Inspired by awesome-foo or Inspired by the Awesome project kinda link at the top of the readme. The Awesome badge is enough.

I thought this was supposed to be a github repo, not an ACM paper.

Am open to discussions and feedback on this.