gmenounos / kw1281test

VW KW1281 Protocol Test Tool
MIT License
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Unsupported Cluster - MK1 2000 Audi TT #56

Open PutzPutz opened 6 months ago

PutzPutz commented 6 months ago

Hi Greg,

Some really cool work you have done here. Any chance you will be able to support my cluster?

See code below.

Version 0.87-beta ( Args: COM5 9600 17 GetSKC OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22621.0 .NET Version: 8.0.0 Culture: en-US Opening serial port COM5 Sending wakeup message Wakeup duration: 2 seconds Reading sync byte Keyword Lsb $01 Keyword Msb $8A Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1) ECU: 8N1920930B KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 D23 Software Coding 02244, Workshop Code: 131071 Caught: System.InvalidOperationException Unsupported cluster version. Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unsupported cluster version. at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.GetDefaultAddress() in /Users/gmenounos/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 38 at BitFab.KW1281Test.Cluster.MarelliCluster.DumpEeprom(Nullable1, Nullable1, String ) in /Users/gmenounos/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/src/kw1281test/Cluster/MarelliCluster.cs:line 18 at BitFab.KW1281Test.Tester.GetSkc() in /Users/gmenounos/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/src/kw1281test/Tester.cs:line 601 at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Run(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 253 at BitFab.KW1281Test.Program.Main(String[]) in /Users/gmenounos/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/src/kw1281test/Program.cs:line 29

gmenounos commented 6 months ago

Can you try the following 2 commands and attach the kw1281test.log and any dumps that are produced?

PutzPutz commented 6 months ago

The first one worked and actually got something to dump. Second command timed out. I tried it twice.

Take2.txt marellimem$0C00_Copy.txt

PutzPutz commented 6 months ago

githum wouldnt let me upload the merelli_mem document as the bin file that it got dumped as. Is the text file okay?

gmenounos commented 6 months ago

Is your SKC 05802?

gmenounos commented 6 months ago

You can also email me the bin file. My email address can be found here:

PutzPutz commented 6 months ago

Ill try that SKC after work tonight. I emailed you the bin.

PutzPutz commented 6 months ago

That skc did not work.

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

I'll add support for your cluster in the next release, but as far as I know the SKC should be correct because I calculated it using this supposedly correct method:

PutzPutz commented 5 months ago

okay. Could you re calculate it one more time? I have tried the skc a couple times now with no luck.

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

Try this new version and see if it calculates the same SKC. You should now be able to use the GetSKC command instead of DumpMarelliMem:

kw1281test COM5 9600 17 GetSKC

PutzPutz commented 5 months ago

It gave me the same SKC (05802). Any ideas why this code would not be working? Is it possible that it isn't the original instrument cluster?


Version 0.88-beta ( Args: COM5 10040 17 GetSKC OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22621.0 .NET Version: 8.0.0 Culture: en-US Opening serial port COM5 Sending wakeup message Wakeup duration: 2 seconds Reading sync byte Keyword Lsb $01 Keyword Msb $8A Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1) ECU: 8N1920930B KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 D23 Software Coding 02244, Workshop Code: 131071 entryH: 0x02, regBlockH: 0x08, count: 0x0400 Sending block 0x6C Writing data to cluster microcontroller Receiving ACK Writing memory dump program to cluster microcontroller (Entry: $0200, RegBlock: $0800, Start: $0C00, Count: $0400) Receiving ACK Receiving memory dump Saved memory dump to marellimem$0C00.bin Done SKC: 05802

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

Can you check the appropriate cluster measuring blocks with VCDS and see if the cluster is locked out?

elektromouse commented 5 months ago

hello, i have similar problem with mk1 audi tt. KW1281Test.log

i did dump cluster memory with "dumpMirelliMem", should i convert this file to .txt and upload it here?

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

Better if you email it to me than converting to .txt My contact info is here:

elektromouse commented 5 months ago

Better if you email it to me than converting to .txt My contact info is here:

did it. thank you for helping me

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

hello, i have similar problem with mk1 audi tt. KW1281Test.log

i did dump cluster memory with "dumpMirelliMem", should i convert this file to .txt and upload it here?

See if this new release works for your cluster:

elektromouse commented 5 months ago

hello, i have similar problem with mk1 audi tt. KW1281Test.log i did dump cluster memory with "dumpMirelliMem", should i convert this file to .txt and upload it here?

See if this new release works for your cluster:

No luck... and looks like i lost connection with ecu and dash cluster... KW1281Test.log

elektromouse commented 5 months ago

did try one more time. Now cluster won't wake up KW1281Test2.log

gmenounos commented 5 months ago

Some of the module wakeup timings were off. Try this new version and see if it works better:

elektromouse commented 5 months ago

Yahoo! i was able to read skc! even with 0.89 version. Will include log in next message if you interested Will try 0.90 anyway Thank you!

jbesteele commented 3 months ago

Hi thanks in advance for your great work I have 2006 Beetle but had to buy new instrument cluster as old one failed. I'm getting the unsupported cluster message. I tried beta 88, 89 and 90 just to check. None of the mem dump commands work for me. They do cause my cluster to make a weird noise and it displays an odd word or message that looks like "ter" Here's the top few lines from kw1821test: ECU: 1C0920501PX KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. M73 V03 Software Coding 15234, Workshop Code: 00000 Unhandled exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unsupported cluster version.

Is there a way to pull my cluster version? Im stumped