gmiclotte / gear-optimizer

Gear optimizer for NGU Idle.
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Feature request: Custom stat priorities #109

Open wasniahC opened 2 months ago

wasniahC commented 2 months ago

Suggestion: Allow a custom stat priority to be defined by referencing other stats e.g. I might want to make a stat called ITOPOD that is defined as log(power,1.05) / (1-respawn), or I might want to make a stat called Idle Farming that's defined by NGUs * Drop Chance. This could then be referenced when optimising, to find the gear set that has highest "ITOPOD" or "Idle Farming" stat.

Rationale: Right now if I want to figure out the best "balance" of stats, I have to run multiple simulations with different gear and compare the different sets of stats. For example if I want to see what item set gets me the most "NGUs x Drop Chance" i.e. to see if swapping items would give me a higher % increase in Drop Chance than is lost from NGUs, I have to test multiple different setups and compare numbers myself manually - which feels like suboptimal use of a tool that's supposed to simulate and calculate optimal sets.

Also, if I'm interested in NGU and drop chance and ask for a mix of say 3 NGU & 3 drop chance items, it might give me three items with high NGU stats/no drop chance and 3 items with high drop chance/no NGU stats, but exclude an item with 4th highest drop chance that's got plenty of EM power/EM cap that might make be helpful for that gear set.