gmlc-dispatches / dispatches

Primary repository for distributed dispatches software tools
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Master Issue for DISPATCHES "Cleanup" Effort #218

Open adam-a-a opened 9 months ago

adam-a-a commented 9 months ago

Running to-do list to track issues as the team attempts to cleanup and potentially rework/extend some examples. Add to this list below as issues arise.

Lingyan90 commented 9 months ago

lmp_signal.json file not available for example: [Integrated Energy Systems: Nuclear Case study](

Lingyan90 commented 9 months ago

Flow diagram not available for case study example: Fossil Case: Ultra-Supercritical Power Plant (

Lingyan90 commented 9 months ago

For the case study Renewables Case Study: Double Loop Optimization(, running the codes as it is in Jupyter Notebook will results in FileNotFoundError of not able to find the file 309_WIND_1-SimulationOutputs.csv. Probably write more instructions of where to put the data in local matchine or modify the code that access the data.