gmosx / kraken-sdk-rust

A Rust SDK for working with Kraken APIs
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Add support for TradeVolume private endpoint #20

Closed strangelittlemonkey closed 1 year ago

strangelittlemonkey commented 1 year ago

This is an authenticated endpoint, taking one or more pairs comma separated, eg. "ADAUSD" or "ADAUSD,KAVAUSD" in addition to the optional fee-info. The response tells the level of volume done in the last 30 days revolving in addition to current fee and next fee ( if any ) and next volume level for discount ( if any ).

gmosx commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I will review and merge shortly!

gmosx commented 1 year ago

I added some comments.

strangelittlemonkey commented 1 year ago

The documentation on the site was formerly incorrect ( at the time of this pull request ) but has been updated to now be correctly showing that for the endpoints that the pair field is optional.

pair | string Comma delimited list of asset pairs to get fee info on (optional)

I realize that my commit with it being optional did not match the documentation, but it did match what actually worked with the endpoint.