Based on, it seems that Connection are thread-safe but Channel aren't.
However, if the same connection is used to create several channel simultaneously by using several threads, some channels will eventually get the same channel id and a thread will block waiting for a frame already received by another thread:
#4 file '/usr/lib64/python2.6/', in 'wait'
#8 file '/usr/lib64/python2.6/', in 'get'
#12 file '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rabbitpy/', in '_read_from_queue'
#15 file '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rabbitpy/', in '_wait_on_frame'
#19 file '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rabbitpy/', in 'open'
#22 file '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rabbitpy/', in 'channel'
For example, the code below may lead to blocked threads:
def publisher(connection, name):
for index in range(0, MESSAGE_COUNT):
with as channel:
print('[%s] message %s' % (name, index))
message = rabbitpy.Message(channel, '[%s] Message #%i' % (name, index))
message.publish(EXCHANGE, ROUTING_KEY)
with rabbitpy.Connection(<>) as connection:
with as channel:
exchange = rabbitpy.Exchange(channel, EXCHANGE)
# Start the publisher thread
publisher_threads = {}
for i in xrange(5):
publisher_threads[i] = threading.Thread(target=publisher, kwargs={'connection': connection, 'name': i})
for v in publisher_threads.values():
Reproducing this issue can be help by printing the channel id:
Based on, it seems that Connection are thread-safe but Channel aren't. However, if the same connection is used to create several channel simultaneously by using several threads, some channels will eventually get the same channel id and a thread will block waiting for a frame already received by another thread:
For example, the code below may lead to blocked threads:
Reproducing this issue can be help by printing the channel id: